项目作者: sandraprog

项目描述 :
Project: Baking App for Android Developer Nanodegree Program
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/sandraprog/BakingApp.git
创建时间: 2018-06-26T17:17:58Z



Baking App

сreated as a part of Udacity’s Android Developer NanoDegree Program by Google

App Description

The task was to create a Android Baking App that will allow Udacity’s resident baker-in-chief, Miriam, to share her recipes with the world. The app allows a user to select a recipe and see video-guided steps for how to complete it. RecyclerView and CardView was used for displaying data.

Special features and learning goals of this project:

  • Use MediaPlayer/Exoplayer to display videos.
  • Handle error cases in Android.
  • Add a widget to the app experience.
  • Leverage a third-party library in the app.
  • Use Fragments to create a responsive design that works on phones and tablets.

Used Libraries: