Android Boilerplate based on MVVM architecture.
Package contains models and DataSource classes to perform CRUD operations.
Package implements Repository pattern.
Package contains BindingAdapter classes and BindingConversions class for custom conversion methods that uses in databinding.
Package contain classes that implement dependency ibjection in application.
Package contain classes for notification management. Also class can call notification delayed and after system start.
Package contain android receivers as NetworkReceiver.
Package contain all ui elements: Activities, Fragments, ViewModels, custom views, adapters.
Each activity stores in its own package and every fragment stores in its own package within activity package.
Each activity and fragment has ViewModel, Module and Provider classes.
Package contain application util classes.
Class extends Application class and this is the main class of application.
It performs Realm and Injector classes initialization.
Vlad Morzhanov
Copyright (c) 2018 Vlad Morzhanov.
You can review license in the LICENSE file.