项目作者: avBuffer

项目描述 :
How to train and verify mobilenet by using voc pascal data in caffe ssd?
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/avBuffer/MobilenetSSD_caffe.git
创建时间: 2017-12-22T13:35:15Z




How to train and verify mobilenet by using voc pascal data in caffe ssd?


  • Help to detect objects by using trained MobileNet SSD models and detect script.
  • I downloaded PASCAL-VOC2007/VOC2012 data, and trained and tested MobileNet SSD models in caffe ssd.
  • I developed android jni libs of MoblieNet SSD, and compiled question which you can read my caffe_ssd-android-lib
  • It can detect 20 classes objects included animal/traffic/house/people etc.


  • Caffe SSD
  • Android Studio
  • Python


  • Get code

    1. git clone --recursive https://github.com/avBuffer/MobilenetSSD_caffe.git
    2. cd MobilenetSSD_caffe
  • Train and test MobilenetSSD models, in folder of mobilenet_caffe_train

    • Step1: Download and create lmdb of PASCAL-VOC2007/VOC2012, and then put train and test lmdb into data/VOC0712 folder
    • Step2: Modify your caffe ssd path in files of train.sh/test.sh and demo.py/merge_bn.py in tool folder and other folders
    • Step3: Do train and test, and get mobilenetssd iter caffemodel
      1. cd MobilenetSSD_caffe/mobilenet_caffe_train
      2. ./tool/train.sh
    • Step4: Change mobilenetssd iter caffemodel
      1. cd MobilenetSSD_caffe/mobilenet_caffe_train
      2. ./tool/merge_bn.py
      • Step5: If you want detect tests, you can do next steps
        1. cd MobilenetSSD_caffe/mobilenet_caffe_train
        2. ./tool/demo.py
  • Detect and classify objects by Mobilenet SSD model in PC in the folder of classify_caffe, you can do next steps

    • Step1: Modify your caffe ssd include and libs path in CMakeLists.txt
    • Step2: Compiler
      1. cd MobilenetSSD_caffe/classify_caffe
      2. ./build.sh
    • Step3: Classifier
      1. cd MobilenetSSD_caffe/classify_caffe
      2. ./classify.sh
  • Detect and classify objects by Mobilenet SSD model in Android in the folder of MobilenetSSD_APP_demo, you can do next steps
    • Step1: Import MobilenetSSD_APP_demo project into Android Studio
    • Step2: Build APK in Android Studio, and install APK into Smartphone
    • Step3: Create caffe/mobilenet folder in Smartphone SDCard
      1. cd MobilenetSSD_caffe/classify_caffe/model/mobile/
      2. adb shell mkdir caffe
      3. adb shell mkdir caffe/mobilenet
      4. adb push MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel sdcard/caffe/mobilenet
      5. adb push MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt sdcard/caffe/mobilenet
    • Step4: You can run APP to select picture or take picture to detect objects


  • If you have any idea or issues, please keep me informed.
  • My Email: jalymo at 126.com, and my QQ/Wechat: 345238818

Wechat&QQ group

  • I setup VoAI Wechat group, which discusses AI/DL/ML/NLP.
  • VoAI means Voice of AI, Vision of AI, Visualization of AI etc.
  • You can joint VoAI Wechat group by scanning QR-code in path ./imgs/VoAI.jpg.
  • QR-code

  • Also you can joint QQ group ID: 183669028

Any comments or issues are also welcomed.Thanks!