项目作者: afiqharith

项目描述 :
MobileNet SSD with Caffe implementation for person detection algorithm.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/afiqharith/SocialDistancing-SafetyViolationROI-MobileNetSSD-FYP.git

Person Detection for Social Distancing and Safety Violation Alert based on Segmented ROI


Person detection algorithm used is MobileNet SSD with Caffe implementation and the model pre-trained on MS-COCO. Both programs uses OpenCV for image processing and utilizing the DNN module (tested on CPU). The programs later tested on several datasets to prove the concepts.

1. Prerequisites and configurations

All the requirements can be installed via the command:

  1. $ pip install -r requirements.txt

The default input is video located in videos file. To change the program to use camera stream as input, you need to change the configuration from CAMERA = False to CAMERA = True.

Note: All configurations can be changed in the config.py file.

2. Run project

For social distancing program, run:

  1. $ python safety_violation_alert.py

For safety violation alert based on segmented ROI program, run:

  1. $ python safety_violation_alert.py

3. Program output

Social distance monitoring Safety violation alert based on segmented ROI
outputimage outputimage

4. Accuracy for social distance monitoring

Dataset TP TN FP FN %
Oxford Town Centre 11 19 14 4 62.5
PETS2009 14 38 19 5 68
VIRAT 9 4 0 10 56.5

5. Accuracy for safety violation alert based on segmented ROI

Dataset TP TN FP FN %
CamNeT 55 58 0 5 95.8

6. References

Mobilenet SSD Caffe

Github Github


MegaPixels: Origins, Ethics, and Privacy Implications of Publicly Available Face Recognition Image Datasets

Oxford TownCentre

A Camera Network Tracking (CamNeT) Dataset and Performance Baseline



Person Detection for Social Distancing and Safety Violation Alert based on Segmented ROI



This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.