Ballerina NATS Module.
This library provides the capability to send and receive messages by connecting to the NATS server.
NATS messaging enables the communication of data that is segmented into messages among computer applications and services. Data is encoded and framed as a message and sent by a publisher. The message is received, decoded, and processed by one or more subscribers. NATS makes it easy for programs to communicate across different environments, languages, cloud providers, and on-premise systems. Clients connect to the NATS system usually via a single URL and then subscribe or publish messages to a subject.
First, you need to set up the connection with the NATS Basic server. The following ways can be used to connect to a
NATS Basic server.
Connect to a server using the default URL:
nats:Client natsClient = check new(nats:DEFAULT_URL);
Connect to a server using the URL:
nats:Client natsClient = check new("nats://serverone:4222");
Connect to one or more servers with custom configurations:
nats:ConnectionConfiguration config = {
connectionName: "my-nats",
noEcho: true
nats:Client natsClient = check new(["nats://serverone:4222", "nats://servertwo:4222"], config);
Once connected, publishing is accomplished via one of the three methods below.
Publish with the subject and the message content:
string message = "hello world";
nats:Error? result =
natsClient->publishMessage({ content: message.toBytes(), subject: "demo.nats.basic"});
Publish as a request that expects a reply:
string message = "hello world";
nats:AnydataMessage|nats:Error reqReply =
natsClient->requestMessage({ content: message.toBytes(), subject: "demo.nats.basic"}, 5);
Publish messages with a replyTo
string message = "hello world";
nats:Error? result = natsClient->publish({ content: message.toBytes(), subject: "demo.nats.basic",
replyTo: "demo.reply" });
Listen to incoming messages with the onMessage
remote method:
// Binds the consumer to listen to the messages published to the 'demo.example.*' subject
@nats:ServiceConfig {
subject: "demo.example.*"
service nats:Service on new nats:Listener(nats:DEFAULT_URL) {
remote function onMessage(nats:AnydataMessage message) {
Listen to incoming messages and reply directly with the onRequest
remote method:
// Binds the consumer to listen to the messages published to the 'demo.example.*' subject
@nats:ServiceConfig {
subject: "demo.example.*"
service nats:Service on new nats:Listener(nats:DEFAULT_URL) {
// The returned message will be published to the replyTo subject of the consumed message
remote function onRequest(nats:AnydataMessage message) returns string? {
return "Reply Message";
The Ballerina NATS library allows the use of TLS in communication. This setting expects a secure socket to be
set in the connection configuration as shown below.
nats:SecureSocket secured = {
cert: {
path: "<path>/truststore.p12",
password: "password"
key: {
path: "<path>/keystore.p12",
password: "password"
nats:Listener natsListener = check new("nats://serverone:4222", secureSocket = secured);
nats:SecureSocket secured = {
cert: {
path: "<path>/truststore.p12",
password: "password"
key: {
path: "<path>/keystore.p12",
password: "password"
nats:Client natsClient = check new("nats://serverone:4222", secureSocket = secured);
Issues and Projects tabs are disabled for this repository as this is part of the Ballerina Standard Library. To report bugs, request new features, start new discussions, view project boards, etc. please visit Ballerina Standard Library parent repository.
This repository only contains the source code for the library.
Download and install Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 21 (from one of the following locations).
Download and install Docker as follows. (The NATS library is tested with a docker-based integration test environment.
The before suite initializes the docker container before executing the tests).
Installing Docker on Linux
Note: These commands retrieve content from the
website in a quiet output-document mode and installs it.
wget -qO- | sh
For instructions on installing Docker on Mac, go to Get Started with Docker for Mac.
For information on installing Docker on Windows, goo to Get Started with Docker for Windows.
Execute the commands below to build from source.
To build the library:
./gradlew clean build
To run the tests:
./gradlew clean test
./gradlew clean build -x test
./gradlew clean build -Pdebug=<port>
./gradlew clean build -PbalJavaDebug=<port>
./gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal
./gradlew clean build -PpublishToLocalCentral=true
./gradlew clean build -PpublishToCentral=true
As an open source project, Ballerina welcomes contributions from the community.
For more information, go to the contribution guidelines.
All contributors are encouraged to read the Ballerina Code of Conduct.