Vector-based Landscape Metrics
Most common landscape metrics are calculated on a raster-basis. However,
sometimes landscape information come along in vector-formats. For the
calculation of landscape metrics, one must perform a
vector-to-raster-transformation often resulting in a lost of
information. In VLSM we implemented the following landscape metrics
based on vector data:
How to use the functions in R
, please refer to the
You may also want use the functions in the open-source desktop GISQGIS
. For this, please refer to the
You can install the latest version of VLSM from
github with:
Knevels, R., Brenning, A., Gingrich, S., Gruber, E., Lechner, T.,
Leopold, P., Petschko, H., Plutzar, C. (2021) Kulturlandschaft im
Wandel: Ein indikatorenbasierter Rückblick bis in das 19. Jahrhundert.
Fallstudie anhand der Gemeinden Waidhofen/Ybbs und Paldau [Cultural
Landscape Change: An Indicator-Based Retrospect into the 19th Century.
Case Study of the Municipalities Waidhofen/Ybbs and Paldau].
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 162,
255-285. doi: