项目作者: Snuggle

项目描述 :
People used to use tin-cans attached with wire to talk. Now they just use Floss.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/Snuggle/flossy.git
创建时间: 2018-04-29T13:42:59Z



Language: Python

Framework: Django

Build: Unknown

Compatible Python Versions: v3.6, v3.6, nightly

Visit at: https://flossy.me

A revolutionary way to communicate with your friends over the internet! Completely open-source and available for anyone to use or even to host themselves. Supports desktop, mobile, potatoes and more – start talking today!

This is an instant messaging web-application that I’ve made as part of my Computer-Science A-Level Project.

How to use?

Using Flossy is extremely simple! Just head over to https://flossy.me and either register an account or login! You will need a friend or another account to actually send messages, however, as you won’t be able to message anyone without them adding you back as a contact. See passwords.txt for some dummy testing accounts.

Why did you create this?

With the recent scandals concerning Facebook’s breach of user’s privacy, I realised that there isn’t really a instant messaging service that is reliable, secure and most importantly, open-source. How can you feel safe that your messages are secure and private unless you can look at the code yourself? Heck. I think you should even be able to host the service yourself, if you really want to. It’s open-source! Go for it!

Anyways. Facebook own the majority market share for mobile instant messaging (WhatsApp & Facebook Messenger), and all of the alternatives I have looked at don’t have great mobile-desktop cross-platform compatibility, aren’t open-source and/or don’t allow you to host the service for yourself.

I want to make something that you can understand. Change. Fork. Understand & Improve.

Screenshots of stuff?

Welcome page after logging in!

Contacts page! You only have one friend? Lame.

Interesting Conversation.

Mobile? Talk while the move!

Technical Details

Flossy is an instant messaging application that uses a modified traditional LEMP web development stack. Instead of the standard MySQL or PHP, however, Flossy uses SQLite and Python instead. (Linux, Engine-x/NGINX, SQLite, Python)

This project uses Django, a free and open-source web framework that is written in Python. One of the goals of my project is to use completely open-source and free technology, and to follow the same practices itself.

Flossy allows you to create an account, add contacts by username, message those contacts and recieve messages in return while following all the latest & recommended security practices for password handling and encrypting data.

Python/Django + Bootstrap & FontAwesome + SQLite + NGINX + Linux (Ubuntu Web Server)

Can I contribute to this?

Unfortunately, this project isn’t accepting any contributions or pull requests until after my project is graded and marked.

Got any issues?

You’re more than free to submit issues, though! If you have any bugs, suggestions for improvement or even just questions, feel free to submit an issue and I’ll have a look at it as soon as possible.