A blockchain explorer for voilk blockchain
It’s a blockchain explorer for voilk blockchain, a react application
Here is how you can run it locally on your computer
Make sure you have node v14
git clone https://github.com/voilknetwork/voilkExplorer
cd voilkExplorer
yarn install or npm install
yarn start or npm start
after it’s completed you can head over to localhost:3000
and voila you have a local instance of explorer running
if you want to deploy it on a server
yarn run build
npm run build
It will create a build directory which you can then deploy on your server.
use express, and configure nginx/apache
npm install express express-favicon path
/// run the server.js
node server.js
Create nginx record, don’t forget to change the explorer.voilk.com
with your own domain name.
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
server_name explorer.voilk.com;
location / {
certbot --nginx -d explorer.voilk.com
if you want help
contact us at support@voilk.com