PKApp is used to start, stop and authorise approval flow of authorizer.
BOX (Enterprise Token Safe Box) is an enterprise-level digital assets safe application that uses the axiomatic techniques in blockchain, cryptography and communications security to protect private keys and instructions. BOX, in principle, seeks to prevent the theft and tamper of private keys and instructions.
PKApp is used to start, stop and authorise approval flow of authorizer.
Download project, double click to open the foloowing project
Install app to device using Xcode (command + R)
When initialization, we need to scan QR code generated by vouchers to bind PKApp and voucher. One voucher can bind at least 3 PKApp. Every PKApp will provide a password, private key consists of multiple passwords from PKApps.
How to install and use PKApp and employee app
用Xcode工具直接把App安装进手机(command + R)