Decentralized media
Decentralized media
This project to create Decentralized Media to share real news by the people to the people.
Node v8.9.3
npm v4.6.1
testrpc v6.0.3
Truffle v4.0.5
install Nodejs v.8+ and npm v.4+
install local blockchain network like, testrpc or ganache gui/cli. Here “npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc” is used.
install truffle “npm install -g truffle@4.0.5”
Instasl Metamask extention in chrome to run blockchain in chrome browser
$ git clone
$ cd newsMedia/
$ npm install
$ testrpc in another terminal
$ truffle migrate
$ npm run dev
Make Metamask to connect to testrpc
testrpc account should match MetaMask account (import private key from testrpc account to metamask).