项目作者: coblo

项目描述 :
Explorer for Content Blockchain
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/coblo/mex.git
创建时间: 2018-02-07T11:10:16Z

开源协议:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


MEX - Content Blockchain Explorer

A lightweight Blockchain Explorer for MultiChain based blockchains

NOTE: Work in progress

Development Setup

This project requires python 3, postgres and a MultiChain node with RPC
access for local development and testing.

Tested against Multichain 2.0.5 with protocol version 20002.

It is recommended to use a python virtualenv for development.
Install dependencies in your activated virtualenv with
pip install -r requirements.txt. Create your configuration in
mex/settings/config.py (see sample_config.py). Get your development
environment up and running with these commands:

  1. fab reset
  2. python -m mex.sync
  3. python manage.py runserver

If you make changes to the django models you can simply run fab reset and
it will create a fresh database reflecting your new models. But be aware to
only ever use fab reset for development because it will:

  • delete and recreate django migration files
  • drop and recreate a database named mex
  • create a demo superuser (user: admin, password: autogenerated)

When updating your installation with a new version apply migrations with:

  1. fab update

python -m mex.sync starts a separate background process that will synchronize
the database with the node.

After starting your the app with python manage.py runserver visit the admin
interface at and login with the the credentials
shown by the output of fab reset.

Roadmap to first release

  • Minimal datamodel for blocks, transactions, inputs, outputs and addresses
  • Synchronization of blockchain data via JSON-RPC
  • Web Frontend
  • Stream Indexing
  • Stream Search by Key
  • Minimal REST api for webfrontend with node bridge/proxy
  • Deployment scripts