Ruby gem to convert numbers into binaries and binaries into numbers
Simple Ruby gem to convert numbers into binaries & binaries into numbers
Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:
gem 'binary'
Then run:
$ bundle
Or from the terminal:
$ gem install binary
require 'binary'
Number to binary:
Binary.binary 2018
Output: "11111100010"
Array of numbers to binaries.
Output: ["111", "1001", "1011"]
Binary to number:
Binary.number "11111100010"
Output: 2018
Array of binaries to numbers:
Binary.number(["111", "1001", "1011"])
["111", "1001", "1011"].to_num
Output: [7,9,11]
Other methods available:
# count the number of bits in a number's binary
Binary.bits_count 1000
# number of bits in 1000.to_b ("1111101000")
Output: 10
# count the "1"s in a number's binary
Binary.ones_count 1000
# number of ones in 1000.to_b ("1111101000")
Output: 6
# count the "0"s in a number's binary
Binary.zeros_count 1000
# number of zeros in 1000.to_b ("1111101000")
Output: 4
# list of binaries of prime numbers from 2 to 25 25
Output: ["10", "11", "101", "111", "1011", "1101", "10001", "10011", "10111"]
# Binary representation of a random number between 1 and 100
Binary.random 100
Output: "111"
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.