项目作者: opencodeiiita
项目描述 :
Road for Entering the world of Cyber Security
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/opencodeiiita/Road-CS.git
Road for Entering the world of Cyber Security
About this Repo
- This Repo consits of Weekely Tasks which will be given throughout the
. - Tasks are designed for everyone regardless of your interest in security, as there would be many tasks which are necessary for developer too, will surely help them to know some inside things.
- This Repo would start with lab setup, linux basics to web scraping and network sniffing basics.
- Tasks will be provided in starting of every week.
- In every week there would be a master task which will help to score maximum.
How to Submit
- Fork the repo.
- Inside Submission folder create a Folder by your username and inside it make a folder of the week.
- Suppose person is having username rahul18 so his submission for week 1 will be in submissions/rahul18/week 1.
- Submit by making a Pull Request to main Repo.
Scoring Criteria
Each task of the week have some points. Everyone can submit the task but evaluation will be based on :
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