Intern project at Institude of Information Science, Academia Sinica
Perform object detection technique like faster-RCNN and SSD to the 2018 CVPR workshop and challenge: Automated Analysis of Marine Video for Environmental Monitoring
This data challenge is a workshop in 2018 CVPR, with large amounts of image data have been collected and annotated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) from a a variety of image and video underwater.
The data releases are comprised of images and annotations from five different data sources, with six datasets in total.
Each dataset contains different lighting conditions, camera angles, and wildlife. The data released depends on the nature of the data in the entire dataset.
The challenge will evaluate accuracy in detection and classification, following the format in the MSCOCO Detection Challenge, for bounding box output.
The annotations for scoring are bounding boxes around every animal, with a species classification label for each.
, opencv-python
, easydict
Clone the repository
git clone
Download Pre-trained model
cd $NOAA-fish-finding
sh data/scripts/
Update GPU arch
Update your -arch in setup script to match your GPU
check this to match GPU architecture
cd lib
# Change the GPU architecture (-arch) if necessary
bulid Faster-RCNN Cython modules
make clean && make
cd ..
Install the Python COCO API. The code requires the API to access COCO dataset.
cd data
git clone
cd coco/PythonAPI
cd ../../..
Training data (270.7 GB)
Testing data (272.1 GB)
$annotations/ # annotation root directory
$imagery/ # image root directory
4. Prepare training images & annotations
python3 preprocess/ —dataset [DATASET] —anno_path [PATH] —mode [MODE]
original: only conver png to jpg
contrast: enhance constrst
equal: preform CLAHE(Contrast Limit Adaptive Histogram Equalization)
## Training
- for Faster-RCNN
./experiments/scripts/ [GPU_ID] [DATASET] [NET]
./experiments/scripts/ 0 mouss_seq1 vgg16
./experiments/scripts/ 1 mbari_seq0 res101
- for SSD 300/512
$ python3 SSD/ —dataset [DATASET] —ssd_size [300/512]
## Testing
before testing, remember to remove cache of last predict
$ rm data/cache/
$ rm data/VOCdevkit2007/annotations_cache/
- for Faster-RCNN
./experiments/scripts/ [GPU_ID] [DATASET] [NET]
- for SSD 300/512
python SSD/ —dataset [DATASET] —ssd_size [300/512] —path [PATH]
## Demo
put the tested image in the data/demo folder
- for Faster RCNN
python3 tools/ —net [NET] —train_set [TRAIN]—test_set [TEST] —mode [predict/ both]
predict: only plot prediction
both: ground truth and prediction
Dataset | method | mAP |
mouss_seq0 | Faster RCNN | 0.989 |
mouss_seq1 | Faster RCNN | 0.909 |
mbari_seq0 | Faster RCNN | 0.8358 |
habcam_seq0 | Faster RCNN | 0.4752 |
[1] Faster-RCNN:
[2] SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector:
[3] tf-faster-RCNN:
[4] ssd.pytorch: