A SiLA 2 compliant controller for an Opentrons OT-2 liquid handling robot.
A SiLA 2 compliant controller for an Opentrons OT-2 Liquid Handler.
For a short function overview, and a description on how to use this software, take a look into the User Guide.
1. Clone this git repository:
git clone https://github.com/FlorianBauer/ot2-controller
cd ot2-controller
2. (Optional) Set up and source a Python environment:
python3 -m venv ./venv
source venv/bin/activate
3. Install the Python package:
pip install .
4. Establish an SSH connection:
Before the actual installation, an SSH connection to the OT-2 device has to be established.
This requires to generate a pair of SSH keys, as well as the configuration of the OT-2 device
itself. To do this, please follow the steps described in this article:
SSH for OT-2
Use the generated key from step 4 and register it on the client.
sudo ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ot2_ssh_key `whoami`@`hostname`
# e.g. sudo ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ot2_ssh_key username@my_host.org
Ensure the packages openssh-server
and openssh-client
are installed. If not, install withapt install openssh-server openssh-client
Some additional useful links for troubleshooting:
Now execute python3 -m ot2_controller --ot2-ip-address IP
with the corresponding OT-2 device IP (e.g. withpython3 -m ot2_controller --ot2-ip-address
The SiLA server should now be available on localhost (
) on the port 50064
Terminate the server by pressing the Enter key in the running terminal window.
A more detailed description can be found in the User Guide.
The SiLA server is currently only able to run on a host computer which has to be connected to
the OT-2 device via SSH. Since the OT-2 robot itself is also running a Linux OS on its
build-in Raspberry Pi 3+,
it may be possible to install the SiLA server and the corresponding
sila2 libraries on to the OT-2 directly.
Pull requests and instructions regarding this are gladly welcome.