项目作者: TheLocust3

项目描述 :
A full Rails stack setup with Nginx+Terraform+AWS CodeDeploy+React+Redux+React Router+Devise
高级语言: Ruby
项目地址: git://github.com/TheLocust3/full-stack-rails-boilerplate.git
创建时间: 2018-02-28T03:28:49Z

开源协议:MIT License


React+Redux+Rails Boilerplate

A skeleton project that runs:

  • Rails
  • React
  • Redux
  • React Router
  • Terraform
  • AWS CodeDeploy
  • HTTPS through AWS Certificate Manager
  • Nginx
  • Devise
  • Material Components

Terraform Setup

To use Terraform, open terraform.tf and change the variables name, username, and provider to your custom values. Make a note of the name, this will be used for CodeDeploy setup.

You also must create an EC2 Keypair with that name from your AWS console.

CodeDeploy Setup

To setup CodeDeploy, start by opening deploy/install_dependencies.sh and deploy/deploy.sh. Quickly skim the file and switch any variables/names from test to whatever name you chose in the Terraform setup.

After that, run terraform apply to spin up your infrastructure. Once that is complete (will take around 5 minutes), copy deploy/image_install_script.sh in the EC2 instance and run it. This will install CodeDeploy.

However, Blue-Green deployments must be set up manually due to a bug in Terraform (as of writing). I’ve commented out the settings needed in terraform.tf

While on the server, create a secrets.env file in home/ubuntu. Store something like this in it:

  5. PGPORT=5432

PGUSER, PGPASSWORD, and PGHOST can be found in the output of the terraform apply command you ran previously. SECRET_KEY_BASE can be generated by running rake secret.

Next compile assets locally before deploying with bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production.

Finally run deploy/deploy.sh to deploy.