Adonisjs + Create React App Boilerplate
Boilerplate/Starter Project for building APIs using Adonisjs, with a React frontend using Create React App.
Install AdonisJs CLI globally :
npm i -g @adonisjs/cli
Then create the project :
adonis new <name> --blueprint=jsnomad/adonisjs-create-react-app
Alternatively you can clone the project and install dependencies manually :
git clone
npm install
Install React dependencies :
cd front
npm install
Run the following command to start the HTTP server :
adonis serve --dev
Runs the React app in development mode :
cd front
npm start
Then you can access to the React App using :
In development, the React development server will recognize that it’s not a static asset, and will proxy your request to http://localhost:3333/api/v1/***
as a fallback.
Create a React production build :
cd front
npm run build
The build folder will be automatically moved in the Adonisjs public folder.
Then start the HTTP server using a process manager like pm2 (recommended) :
pm2 start server.js
For better performance, consider using nginx as a reverse proxy (faster to server static assets).