项目作者: yenbekbay

项目描述 :
iOS app that enables you to learn interesting facts and discover amazing stories by reading hand-picked articles from Wikipedia
高级语言: Objective-C
项目地址: git://github.com/yenbekbay/galileo.git
创建时间: 2018-04-11T15:11:13Z

开源协议:MIT License


Galileo logo

Galileo is an iOS app that enables you to learn interesting facts and discover amazing stories by reading hand-picked articles from Wikipedia.


Galileo iOS app is written in Objective-C using the MVVM architecture. It’s built with ReactiveCocoa, AFNetworking, and YapDatabase.

Galileo backend is written in JavaScript / Node.JS. It’s built with LoopBack on top of a PostgreSQL database.


  1. Clone the repo:

    1. $ git clone https://github.com/yenbekbay/galileo
    2. $ cd galileo
  2. Install iOS app dependencies from CocoaPods:

    1. $ (cd ios && bundle install && pod install)
  3. Install backend dependencies with npm:

    1. $ (cd backend && npm install)
  4. Update the database config in backend/server/datasources.json and start the server:

    1. $ node backend/server/server.js
  5. Fetch featured articles from Wikipedia:

    1. $ node backend/bin/articles.js
  6. Configure the secret values for the iOS app:

    1. $ cp ios/Galileo/Secrets-Example.h ios/Galileo/Secrets.h
    2. $ open ios/Galileo/Secrets.h
    3. # Paste your values
  7. Open the Xcode workspace at ios/Galileo.xcworkspace and run the app.


MIT License © Ayan Yenbekbay