A full-stack Superhero Battle Royale Application
Ever wondered which superhero, in an all out battle royale, would come out on top? Look no further than this full-stack MERN app!
Create or choose a superhero, select an opponent, then pit the two against one another to see which is stronger in battle. This app uses React/ReactBootstrap for front-end interface design. Our back-end is a homemade API built using Node, Mongo, MongoDB, and ExpressJS.
Minimum Viable Product Stories
As a user, I want be greeted by a slick interface that reminds me of cool comic book heroes, because I love comics.
As a user, I want to be able to choose from a plethora of heroes from both the Marvel and DC Universes, because they are all awesome.
As a user, I would like to create my own heroes with unique stats that can also do battle, because I like customization in my games.
As a user, I would also like to be able to update or delete old custom heroes, because I may want to change or discard them in the future.
I want to see the results of a fight between any two fighters, because I want to know who’s the strongest hero of them all.
Stretch Goals
As a user, I would like to have access to an about page because I want to learn more about the creators of this app.
As a user, I would like to be able to customize/create my own heroes in more detail using an external hero maker, because I love customization.
As a user, I would like to be able create a username/password so that my custom heroes are saved to my account, because I want to use them again later on.