项目作者: rohankangale2011
项目描述 :
React-redux Todo application
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/rohankangale2011/react-redux-todo.git
React-redux todo application
A todo application using react and redux, along with routing
Note: Application is created using
create-react-app. Make sure that you have this node module installed in you system. You can install the same using
npm install -g create-react-app command
Once you download or clone the repo system, run npm install at the root directory to install all the node module dependencies. Command for running application is mentioned in package.json file.
- React: For creating the UI/UI components
- Redux: For managing the state data across the application
- Routing(react-redux-router): A routing mechanism for managing navigation between various screen’s/page’s across the application
Application consisting of two views/pages. The ToDo view managing the todo items and Other view for now is not created. You can update code by adding the component for Other view. Also you can make use of other libraries, like bootstrap, react-bootstrap(react-bootstrap works well with react) any many more as per your application need.