Event Calendar using React-js
You need to create a working, demonstrable and usable project using the React. The project source code can live on Github and be deployed to Heroku (optional).
You need to use Bootstrap framework for styling the views and pages.
You should maintain our coding convention which is specified in that link https://github.com/kreeti/coding_convention
While sending React projects, add the below text:
Create React apps with no build configuration.
No, need to store data in Database or have a backend api.
Create a custom calendar (Don’t use any library).
Default it will be a monthly calendar with the name of the month and year on the top
of the calendar.
Calendar will show the dates of the month and the months can be changed with the previous
and next arrow.
Clicking on each date, a popup will be open which contains a title field to add event
on that particular date.
Once the event will be added, the calendar will display the event name on each date area.
The user can edit the event details or delete them from the calendar.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
This project is live at