项目作者: sambacha

项目描述 :
cra-subgraph - web3/subgraph template
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/sambacha/create-subgraph-app.git
创建时间: 2021-01-23T18:45:09Z

开源协议:MIT License


Create Subgraph Application


Web3 React App Template utilizing TheGraph


Set ETHEREUM_REORG_THRESHOLD=1 and ETHEREUM_ANCESTOR_COUNT=1 in the thegraph service, it will only query for the latest block and its transaction receipts on startup


  1. npx create-react-app <your_application_name> --template cra-subgraph

NPM Registry

npm install create-subgraph-appp🔗 npm/create-subgraph-app


Import the store API and other features from this library in your mappings. A few examples:

  1. import { store, crypto } from '@graphprotocol/graph-ts'
  2. // This is just an example event type generated by `graph-cli`
  3. // from an Ethereum smart contract ABI
  4. import { NameRegistered } from './types/abis/SomeContract'
  5. // This is an example of an entity type generated from a
  6. // subgraph's GraphQL schema
  7. import { Domain } from './types/schema'
  8. function handleNameRegistered(event: NameRegistered) {
  9. // Example use of a crypto function
  10. let id = crypto.keccak256(name).toHexString()
  11. // Example use of the generated `Entry` class
  12. let domain = new Domain()
  13. domain.name = name
  14. domain.owner = event.params.owner
  15. domain.timeRegistered = event.block.timestamp
  16. // Example use of the store API
  17. store.set('Name', id, entity)
  18. }


1 Queries

1.1 Basics

For each Entity type that you define in your schema, an entity and entities field will be generated on the top-level Query type. Note that query does not need to be included at the top of the graphql query when using The Graph.


Query for a single Token entity defined in your schema:

  1. {
  2. token(id: "1") {
  3. id
  4. owner
  5. }
  6. }

When querying for a single entity, the id field is required.


Collection query for Token entities:

  1. {
  2. tokens(first: 100) {
  3. id
  4. owner
  5. }
  6. }

1.2 Sorting

When querying a collection, the orderBy parameter may be used to sort by a specific attribute. Additionally, the orderDirection can be used to specify the sort direction, asc for ascending or desc for descending.


  1. {
  2. tokens(first: 100, orderBy: price, orderDirection: asc) {
  3. id
  4. owner
  5. }
  6. }

1.3 Pagination

When querying a collection, the first parameter must be used to paginate from the beginning of the collection.

To query for groups of entities in the middle of a collection, the skip parameter may be used to skip a specified number of entities starting at the beginning of the collection.


Query 10 Token entities, offset by 10:

  1. {
  2. tokens(first: 10, skip: 10) {
  3. id
  4. owner
  5. }
  6. }

1.4 Filtering

You can use the where parameter in your queries to filter for different properties.


Query challenges with failed outcome:

  1. {
  2. challenges(first: 100, where: {outcome: "failed"}) {
  3. challenger
  4. outcome
  5. application(first: 100) {
  6. id
  7. }
  8. }
  9. }

You can use suffixes like _gt, _lte for value comparison:


  1. {
  2. applications(first: 100, where: {deposit_gt:"10000000000"}) {
  3. id
  4. whitelisted
  5. deposit
  6. }
  7. }

Full list of parameter suffixes:

  1. _not
  2. _gt
  3. _lt
  4. _gte
  5. _lte
  6. _in
  7. _not_in
  8. _contains
  9. _not_contains
  10. _starts_with
  11. _ends_with
  12. _not_starts_with
  13. _not_ends_with

Please note that some suffixes are only supported for specific types. For example, Boolean only supports _not, _in, and _not_in.

2 Subscriptions

Graph Protocol subscriptions are GraphQL spec-compliant subscriptions. Unlike query operations, GraphQL subscriptions may only have a single top-level field at the root level for each subscription operation.

2.1 Basics

The root Subscription type for subscription operations mimics the root Query type used for query operations to minimize the cognitive overhead for writing subscriptions.


Query the first 100 Token entities along with their id and owner attributes:

  1. query {
  2. tokens(first: 100) {
  3. id
  4. owner
  5. }
  6. }

Subscribe to all Token entity changes and fetch the values of the id and owner attributes on the updated entity:

  1. subscription {
  2. tokens(first: 100) {
  3. id
  4. owner
  5. }
  6. }

3 Schema

The schema of your data source—that is, the entity types, values, and relationships that are available to query—are defined through the GraphQL Interface Definition Langauge (IDL).

3.1 Basics

GraphQL requests consist of three basic operations: query, subscription, and mutation. Each of these has a corresponding root level Query, Subscription, and Mutation type in the schema of a GraphQL endpoint.

Note: Our API does not expose mutations because developers are expected to issue transactions directly against the underlying blockchain from their applications.

It is typical for developers to define their own root Query and Subscription types when building a GraphQL API server, but with The Graph, we generate these top-level types based on the entities that you define in your schema as well as several other types for exploring blockchain data, which we describe in depth in the Query API.

3.2 Entities

All GraphQL types with @entity directives in your schema will be treated as entities and must have an ID field.

Note: Currently, all types in your schema must have an @entity directive. In the future, we will treat types without an @entity directive as value objects, but this is not yet supported.


Define a Token entity:

  1. type Token @entity {
  2. # The unique ID of this entity
  3. id: ID!
  4. name: String!
  5. symbol: String!
  6. decimals: Int!
  7. }

3.3 Built-In Types

3.3.1 GraphQL Built-In Scalars

All the scalars defined in the GraphQL spec are supported: Int, Float, String, Boolean, and ID.

3.3.2 Bytes

There is a Bytes scalar for variable-length byte arrays.

3.3.2 Numbers

The GraphQL spec defines Int and Float to have sizes of 32 bytes.

This API additionally includes a BigInt number type to represent arbitrarily large integer numbers.

3.4 Enums

You can also create enums within a schema. Enums have the following syntax:

  1. enum TokenStatus {
  2. OriginalOwner,
  3. SecondOwner,
  4. ThirdOwner,
  5. }

To set a store value with an enum, use the name of the enum value as a string. In the example above, you can set the TokenStatus to the second owner with SecondOwner.
More detail on writing enums can be found in the GraphQL documentation.

3.5 Entity Relationships

An entity may have a relationship to one or more other entities in your schema. These relationships may be traversed in your queries and subscriptions.

Relationships in The Graph are unidirectional. Despite this, relationships may be traversed in either direction by defining reverse lookups on an entity.

3.5.1 Basics

Relationships are defined on entities just like any other scalar type except that the type specified is that of another entity.


Define a Transaction entity type with an optional one-to-one relationship with a TransactionReceipt entity type:

  1. type Transaction @entity {
  2. id: ID!
  3. transactionReceipt: TransactionReceipt
  4. }
  5. type TransactionReceipt @entity {
  6. id: ID!
  7. transaction: Transaction
  8. }


Define a Token entity type with a required one-to-many relationship with a TokenBalance entity type:

  1. type Token @entity {
  2. id: ID!
  3. tokenBalances: [TokenBalance!]!
  4. }
  5. type TokenBalance @entity {
  6. id: ID!
  7. amount: Int!
  8. }

3.5.2 Reverse Lookups

Defining reverse lookups can be defined on an entity through the @derivedFrom field. This creates a virtual field on the entity that may be queried but cannot be set manually through the mappings API. Rather, it is derived from the relationship defined on the other entity.

The type of an @derivedFrom field must be a collection since multiple entities may specify relationships to a single entity.


Define a reverse lookup from a User entity type to an Organization entity type:

  1. type Organization @entity {
  2. id: ID!
  3. name: String!
  4. members: [User]!
  5. }
  6. type User @entity {
  7. id: ID!
  8. name: String!
  9. organizations: [Organization!] @derivedFrom(field: "members")
  10. }


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