项目作者: confused1108

项目描述 :
Cross platform Soundcloud's Music Player desktop APP for Windows/ Linux /Mac OS using Electron and reactJS
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/confused1108/Music_player.git
创建时间: 2018-01-14T12:35:35Z




Code Tutorial : https://scotch.io/tutorials/build-a-music-player-with-react-electron-i-setup-basic-concepts

Made using React Music API and ReactJs and packaged with electronJs for converting to APP.

For Installation

  • Download the files

  • Make sure you have Node.Js and npm installed

  • Change Node.js command prompt directory to the downloaded folder

  • Run

    sh npm install electron --save-dev --save-exact

  • This will install all the required Node_Modules

  • After installation run

    npm start

  • App will start in a developer mode

To package files, download electron-packager

  1. npm install electron-packager -g

and then run

  1. electron-packager .

to package the app, It will detect the OS and make File accordingly.