100 Days code challenge
S.N.</ td> | Days</ td> | Problem </ td> | Platform</ td> |
1. | Day 1 </ td> | 17. Letter Combination of a Phone Number </ td> | Leetcode </ td> |
2. | Day 2 | Garland for Diwali</ td> | INFYTQ/HackWithInfy - 2021 </ td> |
3. | Day 3 </ td> | Triplets </ td> | INFYTQ Advance Round - 2021 </ td> |
4. | Tower Installation in Cities </ td> | HackWithInfy - 2021 </ td> | |
5. | Day 4 </ td> | Bags coins </ td> | HackWithInfy - 2021 </ td> |
6. | Day 5 </ td> | 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | Leetcode </ td> |
7. | 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
8. | Day 6 </ td> | 204. Count Primes | Leetcode </ td> |
9. | Day 7 </ td> | Find duplicate in array | InterviewBit </ td> |
10. | 906. Super Palindromes </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
11. | Day 8 </ td> | An Interesting Sequence | CodeChef </ td> |
12. | King Killing </ td> | CodeChef </ td> | |
13. | Modular Equation </ td> | CodeChef </ td> | |
14. | Tree House </ td> | CodeChef </ td> | |
15. | Tic Tac Toe </ td> | CodeChef </ td> | |
16. | Valid Paths </ td> | CodeChef </ td> | |
17. | XOR Equality </ td> | CodeChef </ td> | |
18. | Repeat and Missing Number Array </ td> | InterviewBit </ td> | |
19. | Day 9 </ td> | 02. Add Two Numbers | Leetcode </ td> |
20. | Day 10 </ td> | 9. Palindrome Number | Leetcode </ td> |
21. | 112. Path Sum </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
22. | Day 11 </ td> | 58. Length of Last Word | Leetcode </ td> |
23. | 680. Valid Palindrome II </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
24. | 125. Valid Palindrome </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
25. | Day 12 </ td> | 32. Longest Valid Parentheses | Leetcode </ td> |
26. | Day 13 </ td> | Non-Divisible Subset | Hackerrank </ td> |
27. | Highest Value Palindrome</ td> | Hackerrank </ td> | |
28. | Day 14 </ td> | Absolute_Permutation.py | Hackerrank </ td> |
29. | Day 15 </ td> | Find Reachability | HackerEarth |
30. | 38. Count and say </ td> | Leetcode/InterviewBit </ td> | |
31. | Day 16 </ td> | 3SUMSe | Interviewbits/Leetcod </ td> |
32. | Day 17 </ td> | 11. Container With Most Water | Leetcode </ td> |
33. | Day 18 </ td> | Hate 1111 | CodeForces</ td> |
34. | 5. Sort Colors </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
35. | 5 Array Manipulation </ td> | Hackerrank </ td> | |
36. | Day 19 </ td> | 42. Trapping Rain Water | Leetcode </ td> |
37. | 21. Merge Two sorted lists </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
38. | Day 20 </ td> | 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array | Leetcode </ td> |
39. | 1046. Last Stone Weight </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
40. | Day 21 </ td> | K reverse linked list | InterviewBit </ td> |
41. | GFG - Image Rotate 90 degree anticlockwise </ td> | GeekForGeeks </ td> | |
42. | Day 22 </ td> | Max Non Negative SubArray | InterviewBit </ td> |
43. | Add One to Number</ td> | InterviewBit </ td> | |
44. | Day 23 </ td> | 973. K Closest Points to Origin | Leetcode </ td> |
45. | 347. Top K Frequent Elements </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
46. | 451. Sort Characters By Frequency </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
47. | Day 24 </ td> | Check if an Array can be Sorted by picking only the corner Array elements | GeekForGeeks </ td> |
48. | Minimum Loss</ td> | Hackerrank </ td> | |
49. | Day 25 </ td> | Sort Linked List | InterviewBit </ td> |
50. | 20. Valid Parantheses</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
51. | 894. All Possible Full Binary Trees </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
52. | Day 26 </ td> | 78. Subsets | Leetcode </ td> |
53. | Day 27 </ td> | 358. Re-arrange strgin k distance | Leetcode </ td> |
54. | 106. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
55. | Longest Commont Prefix </ td> | interviewBit </ td> | |
58. | Day 28 </ td> | Maximum Sum Triplet | InterviewBit</ td> |
59. | Array 3 Pointer</ td> | InterviewBit </ td> | |
60. | 42. Trapping Rain Water </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
61. | Day 29 </ td> | 16. 3Sum-Closes | Leetcode</ td> |
62. | Pick from both sides!</ td> | InterviewBit </ td> | |
63. | Partition </ td> | InterviewBit </ td> | |
64. | Day 30 </ td> | 80. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II | Leetcode</ td> |
65. | Partition </ td> | InterviewBit </ td> | |
66. | Day 31 </ td> | Minimum Lights to Activate</ td> | InterviewBit </ td> |
67. | Day 32 </ td> | 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List | Leetcode</ td> |
68. | Locking the tree space.py</ td> | JusPay </ td> | |
69. | Minimum Number of Refueling Stops </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
70. | Day 33 </ td> | Binary Balance | Hackerrank</ td> |
71. | largest Number</ td> | Hackerrank </ td> | |
72. | Day 34 </ td> | 252. Meeting Room I | Leetcode/LintCode</ td> |
73. | 253. Meeting Room II</ td> | Leetcode/Lintcode </ td> | |
74. | Palindrom-pairs </ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
75. | Day 35 </ td> | Primes Sum | InterviewBit</ td> |
76. | 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
77. | Vowel and Consonant Substrings! </ td> | InterviewBit </ td> | |
78. | Day 36 </ td> | Jim and Order | Hackerrank</ td> |
79. | Ice Cream Parlour</ td> | Hackerrank </ td> | |
80. | Day 37 </ td> | 22. Paranthese Generate | Leetcode</ td> |
81. | 69. Sqrt(x)</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
82. | Day 38 </ td> | Maximum square submatrix in matrix | GeekforGeeks</ td> |
83. | 795. Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
84. | 307. Range Sum Query</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
85. | Day 39 </ td> | Max Non Negative SubArray | InterviewBit</ td> |
86. | 629. K Inverse Pairs Array</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
87. | Day 40 </ td> | Reverse LinkedList Iterative | InterviewBit</ td> |
88. | Reverse LinkedList Iterative</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
89. | Day 41 </ td> | 118. Pascal’s Triangle | Leetcode</ td> |
90. | 119. Pascal’s Triangle II</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
91. | Day 42 </ td> | 83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | Leetcode</ td> |
92. | 49. Group Anagrams</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
93. | 76. Minimum Window Substring</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
94. | 48. Rotate Image</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
95. | 83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
96. | Day 43 | 138. Copy List with Random Pointer | InterviewBit</ td> |
97. | Day 44 </ td> | 142. Linked List Cycle I | Leetcode</ td> |
98. | 141. Linked List Cycle II</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
99. | Day 45 | 962. Maximum Width Ramp | Leetcode |
100. | Day 46 | 315. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self | Leetcode</ td> |
101. | Day 47 </ td> | Juspay Solution 1 | Juspay Hiring</ td> |
102. | Juspay Solution 2</ td> | Juspay Hiring </ td> | |
103. | Juspay Solution 3</ td> | Juspay Hiring </ td> | |
104. | Day 48 </ td> | 733. Flood Fill | Leetcode</ td> |
105. | 463. Island Perimeter</ td> | Leetcode </ td> | |
106. | Day 49 </ td> | Solution 01 | Juspay Hiring</ td> |
107. | Solution 02</ td> | Juspay Hiring </ td> | |
108. | Day 50 </ td> | 86. Partition List | Leetcode</ td> |
109. | Day 51 </ td> | 566. Reshape the Matrix | Leetcode</ td> |
110. | 1220. Count Vowels Permutation</ td> | Leetcode </ td> |
Last Updated : 17 July, 2021
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Shantanu Gupta
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