项目作者: songtianyi

项目描述 :
quaternion, euler angle, interpolation, cubic bezier, cubic spline, PCA, etc.
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/songtianyi/motionLib.git
创建时间: 2013-05-12T07:46:26Z

开源协议:MIT License


hi,i am new to github. 2012-7-19

it’s very cool to share my code with others i think. feel free to join me :) 2012-7-24

The algorithm repository will not update any more,so i deleted it, and start a new repo. 2013-5-12

brief: motionLib is a small lib in computer animation/graphic project, i used it in data compression and motion synthesis.

note: these files may depend on each other,in most cases, you need to include them all in your project. And the CASEParser class is absent for license issue.


  • AAP Axis-Angle pair operations
  • Bezier Cubic bezier interplation
  • CBVHParser parse BVH file
  • CQuatInterp quaternion interpolation, like slerp,squad,etc.
  • CQuaternion quaternion operations
  • CStack stack in c language
  • CVector3f 3-D vector operations
  • CordAnm write coordinate values to a file
  • FPC Floating-point compression, quantization, predictor
  • GLPOS calculate 3-d coordinate values
  • H3DMath some useful math routines
  • PCA principle component analysis
  • SplineInterp cubic spline interpolation
  • func some useful functions