Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces for Face Recognition. With implementation of algorithms as PCA, KNN, Fisher Discriminant Analysis.
For this project, an image dataset was provided in order to perform a classification task by building a statistical model. This face recognition model must be able to tell us if a given image belongs to this dataset or not. If the face image is a member of the dataset, the model must return the corresponding label associated with that face. On the other hand, a 0 is returned when the image does not belong to any of our individuals, we have implemented thresholds to recognize this impostor. The Training dataset is a subsample of 25 individuals of the original dataset: faces94.
The statistical model was build using different techniques:
Combining algorithms, two different models were obtained:
In both models, cross validation and parameters optimization were performed.
To see the results, conclusions and procedure to understand how it was done, you can see the report.
* [Images] Images used in the report / README
* [Training] Training Dataset provided
* [RData] Utils needed in model.R, load before using face_recognition() function
* report.pdf Results, conclusions and procedure
* training.R Source code
* model.R Final model, face_recognition() final function