项目作者: Poluino
项目描述 :
List of our available Kits and files related to it.
项目地址: git://github.com/Poluino/Kits.git

This repository includes all the files to print your own PCB, Source the components, and debug the circuit.
Currently we offer 4 different kits;
Barebones Kit:
- Temperature, Humidity, and Pressure. The three basic measurements for a home weather station project.
- Version 1.0 Includes the BME280 sensor and an ESP32 Dev Board (30 pin).
Full Kit:
- Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Air Quality, Luminosity, UV Index, and Rain.
- Version 1.2 Includes the DHT11 for Humidity, BMP280 for Pressure and Temperature, MQ - 135 for Air Quality, BH1750 for Luminosity, GUVA - S12SD for UV Index, and YL - 83 for Rain.
- Version 2.0 Will use BME280 for Humidity, Temperature, and Humidity, VEML 6070 for UV Index. Others will remain Unchanged.
Full Kit (SMD version):
- Basically the big boy version of the Full Kit, which uses the same sensors used by the Full Kit (V - 2.0) but will have all the components in their SMD package and will include components for a DIY ESP32 Development Board.
- This is for the Real DIY Weatherman. It includes a ton of high accuracy sensors for Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Air Quality, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Rain Gauge, UV Index, Luminosity, Soil Moisture, Ground Temperature
The PCBs for the kits were designed using the KiCad Open source software.
You can purchase our Kits at our Tindie Store:
Feel free to contact me via email at dhruv@weatherstationproject.com or via discord at DhruvS#7149.