The digital clock based on avr microcontroller
This is digital clock with avr microcontroller, it provides 3 modes to check time, date and tmeperature. To change mode by
pressing push button, the information of modes will show on the 7 segment display. Another feature is charging, it can power
with Li battery, maintain the power for 3 days at least.
The design of whole PCB is under Kicad 4.0.7, and the source code is under debian linux. You can extract rar which locate in pcb directory, then open this project with Kicad IDE.
You can use below instruction to setup AVR-GCC ToolChain
## Preview Display ### Information of Time Uses 24 hour for displaying.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install gcc-avr binutils-avr gdb-avr avr-libc avrdude
Download this repository.
Move into "src" directory.
Edit "main.c" source code.
PS. You must install vim before you edit it.
git clone
cd src
vim main.c
Uncomment this fuction.
This statement will set year to 2018/6/11, set time to 15:8.
You can modifly function parameter to adjust time correctly.
Compile and upload code.
Move into “src” directory.
Type “make flash”.
make flash
Don’t forget to comment this function, then upload again.