pcapdj - dispatch pcap files
pcapdj - dispatch pcap files
Network captures often result in very large files. Therefore, tools like
tcpdump or dumpcap offer features of file rotation either after a fixed
size or a fixed amount of time.
When these files are analyzed focusing on stateful protocols such as TCP,
TCP sessions could have been established in one pcap file and continue in
the next pcap files. When these TCP sessions have to be properly reassembled,
then either the TCP reassembly tool has to support multiple pcap files as
input or the pcap files have to merged in a single file using for instance a
tool such as editcap. However, in this case, very large files are the results,
that were tried to be avoided with the file rotation.
PCAPDJ processes a list of pcap files and write each individual packet in a
named pipe. A second process reads these individual packets and does some
processing. A third process, does some cleanup operations and controls pcapdj.
Each pcap file that is processed by pcapdj must be authorized by a third process.
When a pcap file is not acknowledged the file descriptor to the named pipe
is not closed and hence the other program processing pcap data does not end and
keeps its internal states. Before a next file is authorized, other tasks could be done,
such as removing duplicated files or already processed pcap files in order to free disk space.
In an Ubuntu 16.04 Operating system the following packages must be installed.
apt-get install libwsutil-dev libwiretap-dev libhiredis-dev libglib2.0-dev
unzip pcapdj-master.zip
cd pcapdj-master
The Suricata IDS can be configured to extract all HTTP payloads [1].
This feature is used in the following example in conjunction with pcapdj
feeding suricata with multiple pcap files.
Import the pcap files that should be processed by pcapdj
import redis
import os
red = redis.Redis()
files = os.listdir(root)
for rf in files:
f = root + "/"+rf
if f.endswith('pcap') == True:
# Compressed files are supported too
# if f.endswith('pcap.gz') == True:
Create a name pipe that is shared between pcapdj and suricata
mkfifo /tmp/pcapbuffer
Launch pcapdj
./pcapdj -b /tmp/pcapbuffer
redis_server =
redis_port = 6379
named pipe = /tmp/pcapbuffer
Waiting for other peer (IDS, tcp-reassembly engine, etc)...
PCAPDJ waits for the consumer of the fifo bufer. In this case suricata.
Launch suricata
suricata -r /tmp/pcapbuffer
Until now no packets are put in the buffer because pcapdj needs an
authorization. PCAPDJ says that it is ready to process the pcapfile 1.pcap and
that it waits for this authorization. For doing so, pcapdj puts the next file
it wants to process in a queue called PCAPDJ_NEXT and it searches for the given
filename in the PCAPDJ_AUTH set. This way several pcadj processes can be managed
by the same authorization script.
[INFO] Next file to process /tmp/testpcaps/1.pcap
[INFO] Waiting authorization to process file /tmp/testpcaps/2.pcap
Launch the controller script that authorizes each pcap file that is put
in the named pipe.
while True:
#Check if some data is ready to be process
pcapname = red.lpop("PCAPDJ_NEXT")
if pcapname != None:
print "Authorized file ",pcapname
red.sadd("PCAPDJ_AUTH", pcapname)
Wait until pcapdj and suricata are done
On the experimental branch two new features were implemented based on
a signal handler.
If PCAPDJ is processing a large file and the resources are at the point of
being exhausted, the command kill -SIGUSR1
PCAPDJ stops feeding the fifo buffer and resources can be manually freed
without terminating the consumer program.
Once, the machine is cleaned up, PCAPDJ can be resumed by sending a second
time the SIGUSR1 signal.
When PCAPDJ is running for a while, it might be interesting to determine
what is happening. The signal SIGUSR2 can be sent to PCAPDJ. PCAPDJ
shows then following information on standard output.
An example is shown below:
[STATS] Start time:2013-06-09 09:17:50
[STATS] Uptime:322 (seconds)
[STATS] Internal state:Waiting for authorization
[STATS] Number of suspensions:0
[STATS] Number of files:1
[STATS] Number of packets:2968
[STATS] Number of cap_lengths:330581
[STATS] Number of lengths:330581
[1] http://blog.inliniac.net/2011/11/29/file-extraction-in-suricata/