项目作者: cdyn
项目描述 :
Yougurt incubator control circuit
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/cdyn/kkClave.git
kkClave (wiki)
Korai Kitchen Clave for yogurt incubation
This is a simple yougurt incubator that uses an arduino mega, a relay shield, and a space heater to make doi (yogurt) on a large scale in an upcycled beverege fridge. In this repository are:
- Fusion 360 drawings for the power supply panel, the front panel, and an enclosure.
- Eagle sketch of basic circuit diagram for logic and power supply including relevant shields
- Arduino main program code
See the wiki for installtion, fabrication, and use details.
- implement ethernet
- add cooling cycle features
- handle clock overflow
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