项目作者: killalau

项目描述 :
Shopify Liquid Template Snippets
项目地址: git://github.com/killalau/vscode-liquid-snippets.git
创建时间: 2016-08-04T00:09:36Z

开源协议:MIT License


Shopify Liquid Template Snippets for VS Code

This extension for Visual Studio Code adds snippets for Shopify Liquid Template.

Visual Studio Marketplace link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=killalau.vscode-liquid-snippets




  1. Install the latest Visual Studio Code


  1. Liquid Languages Support


  1. Launch Code
  2. From the command palette Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd-Shift-P (OSX)
  3. Type ext install vscode-liquid-snippets
  4. Reload Visual Studio Code

Emmet Enable

Go to user settings and add the following:

  1. "emmet.includeLanguages": { "liquid": "html" },


Type part of a snippet, press enter, and the snippet unfolds.

Alternatively, press Ctrl+Space (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Space (OSX) to activate snippets from within the editor.

Comment Tag

  1. comment- // whitespace stripped

Control Flow Tag

  1. if
  2. else
  3. elsif
  4. ifelse
  5. unless
  6. case
  7. when
  8. if- // whitespace stripped
  9. else- // whitespace stripped
  10. elsif- // whitespace stripped
  11. ifelse- // whitespace stripped
  12. unless- // whitespace stripped
  13. case- // whitespace stripped
  14. when- // whitespace stripped

Iteration Tag

  1. cycle
  2. cyclegroup
  3. for
  4. limit // For loops option
  5. offset // For loops option
  6. reversed // For loops option
  7. break
  8. continue
  9. tablerow
  10. cycle- // whitespace stripped
  11. cyclegroup- // whitespace stripped
  12. for- // whitespace stripped
  13. continue- // whitespace stripped
  14. tablerow- // whitespace stripped

Variable Tag

  1. assign
  2. increment
  3. decrement
  4. capture
  5. assign- // whitespace stripped
  6. capture- // whitespace stripped

Theme Tag

  1. include
  2. includewith // Theme Tag {% include %} with parameters
  3. render
  4. renderwith // Theme Tag {% render %} with parameters
  5. section
  6. raw
  7. layout
  8. layoutnone
  9. paginate
  10. schema
  11. stylesheet
  12. stylesheet_scss

Schema Tag

  1. _schema
  2. _text
  3. _textarea
  4. _image_picker
  5. _radio
  6. _select
  7. _checkbox
  8. _range
  9. _color
  10. _font
  11. _collections
  12. _product
  13. _blog
  14. _page
  15. _link_list
  16. _url
  17. _video
  18. _richtext
  19. _html
  20. _article
  21. _header
  22. _paragraph
  23. _blocks

Array Filter

  1. join
  2. first
  3. last
  4. concat
  5. map
  6. reverse
  7. size
  8. sort
  9. uniq

HTML Filter

  1. img_tag
  2. img_tag_param // HTML Filter {% img_tag %} with parameters
  3. script_tag
  4. stylesheet_tag

Math Filter

  1. abs
  2. ceil
  3. divided_by
  4. floor
  5. minus
  6. plus
  7. round
  8. times
  9. modulo

Money Filter

  1. money
  2. money_with_currency
  3. money_without_trailing_zeros
  4. money_without_currency

String Filter

  1. append
  2. camelcase
  3. captialize
  4. downcase
  5. escape
  6. handleize
  7. md5
  8. newline_to_br
  9. pluralize
  10. prepend
  11. remove
  12. remove_first
  13. replace
  14. replace_first
  15. slice
  16. slice_single // String Filter 'slice' with single parameter
  17. split
  18. strip
  19. lstrip
  20. rstrip
  21. strip_html
  22. strip_newlines
  23. truncate
  24. truncatewords
  25. upcase
  26. url_encode
  27. url_escape
  28. url_param_escape

URL Filter

  1. asset_url
  2. asset_img_url
  3. img_url



  • Fix wrong spacing in schema blocks


  • Fix missing colon in tag _color


  • Fix typo for color picker in schema


  • Add new schema tags: _schema, _text, _page, …
  • BREAKING: remove hard/auto dependency of the extension


  • Add theme tags: render, renderwith


  • Add theme tags: schema, stylesheet, stylesheet_scss,


  • Update readme, step to enable Emmet


  • Add whitespaced comment tag


  • Add keep both tag for whitespace and non-whitespace control


  • Add whitespace control
