template for python packaging
Legacy Commands & Utilities
$ pip install -U handi
[public ip]
$ pubip
[private ip]
$ prvip
[wifi password]
$ sudo wifipass
$ /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/My-Office:psk=12345678...
$ gps
$ [22.7702, 112.9578]
$ timer cp 1.iso ../
$ 3 seconds
$ encode [string]
$ encode 12345678
$ 3132333435363738
$ decode [string]
$ decode 3132333435363738
$ 12345678
$ encrypt [string] [password]
$ encrypt "Nothing is Unlimited." 12345678
$ gAAAAABeIA9OWhfmu6U97CoCdKj0LctEHfs4biG3ts-XULYPR98p1nQ6XKGmW-7D3wIGAWiTvtN73heuO7L7-QLwQZJtPv9qD_kCcofBfJ6UJ--pKcQ8tqY=
$ decrypt [string] [password]
$ decrypt gAAAAABeIA9OWhfmu6U97CoCdKj0LctEHfs4biG3ts-XULYPR98p1nQ6XKGmW-7D3wIGAWiTvtN73heuO7L7-QLwQZJtPv9qD_kCcofBfJ6UJ--pKcQ8tqY= 12345678
$ Nothing is Unlimited.
[strong remove]
$ srm [repeats] [filename]
$ srm 15 accounts.txt
$ boo
[terminal clear]
$ cls
$ repl [fromstr] [tostr] [path1] [path2] ...
$ repl junying frank accounts.txt
$ hash
>>hits command
1 /usr/bin/which
1 /usr/local/bin/ipinfo
4 /usr/local/bin/version
1 /usr/local/bin/prvip
6 /usr/local/bin/timer
3 /usr/local/bin/srm
2 /usr/local/bin/oneline
1 /usr/local/bin/sumup
1 /bin/rm
1 /usr/bin/vim
1 /usr/local/bin/cls
1 /usr/bin/touch
1 /usr/bin/sudo
1 /usr/local/bin/rmlnno
11 /usr/local/bin/mac
1 /usr/local/bin/printkey
3 /bin/ls
1 /usr/local/bin/gps
$ totalines [ext1] [ext2] ...
$ totalines py go cpp h java
$ 124535
[git commit]
$ commit
$ findstr [keystring] [path]
$ echo Time Machine|column 2
$ Machine
$ cat accounts.txt|row 2
$ frank 9980
$ sumup [filename]
$ cat accounts.txt|column 2|sumup
$ 1199899.0125
$ fromstr [startmark] [string]
$ echo Nothing Lasts.|fromstr "Nothing "
$ lasts.
$ endstr [endstring] [string]
$ echo Nothing lasts.|fromstr "Nothings " |endstr .
$ Lasts
$ excludestr [excludestring1]
$ echo abcdEFG|excludestr EFG
$ abcd
$ lenstr [string]
$ lenstr 123456789
$ 9
$ upperstr [string]
$ upperstr gustavKo
$ lowerstr [string]
$ lowerstr ABcD
$ abcd
$ linecount [filename]
$ linecount accounts.list
$ 14273
$ concatstr [juncword] [filepath]
$ concatstr , 1 2 3 4 5
$ 1,2,3,4,5
$ python -c "print sum([`concatstr , 1300 1300 1303 1151 1185 1132 1210 1283 1287 1283`])"
$ 12434
[delete specific lines in file]
$ deline [keystring] [filename]
$ deline junying accounts.txt
$ chkey [keyname] [inpath]
$ delkey [key] [inpath] [outpath]
$ findkey [keyname] [inpath]
$ printkey [keyname] [inpath] [subkey1] [subkey2]
$ replconfval [filepath] [keystring] [findstr] [replacestr] [seperator]
$ replconfkey [keystring] [filepath] [quotechar] [replacestring/replacefile]
$ rmempty [inpath] [outpath]
Thanks to Ofek Lev for his hatch.
1. add function to handy/cli/xxx.py
2. add call to config.py
3. make setup
$ make setup
$ make install
If you want to use this repo as a guide for packaging your source to pypi, you can follow the below steps.
1. !nstall h@tch
$ pip install hatch
2. check !f the pkg n@me in your m!nd !s a1re@dy t@ken 0r n0t.
$ pip install your-package-name
3. cre@te the project of the n@me
$ h@tch new your-p@ckage-n@me
4. c0py makefile to the folder
5. c0py & m0d!fy .pypirc in %userprofile% for windows, $HOME for linux
6. check setup.py, _init_.py