项目作者: juice-shop

项目描述 :
Capture-the-Flag (CTF) environment setup tools for OWASP Juice Shop supporting CTFd, FBCTF and RootTheBox
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/juice-shop/juice-shop-ctf.git
创建时间: 2016-11-27T18:22:36Z

开源协议:MIT License


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The Node package
helps you to prepare
Capture the Flag
events with the OWASP Juice Shop challenges
for different popular CTF frameworks. This interactive utility allows
you to populate a CTF game server in a matter of minutes.

Screenshot of juice-shop-ctf-cli in Powershell

Supported CTF Frameworks

The following open source CTF frameworks are supported by

" class="reference-link">Setup node npm npm npm bundle size

  1. npm install -g juice-shop-ctf-cli


Interactive Mode

Open a command line and run:

  1. juice-shop-ctf

Then follow the instructions of the interactive command line tool.

Configuration File

Instead of answering questions in the CLI you can also provide your
desired configuration in a file with the following format:

  1. ctfFramework: CTFd | FBCTF | RootTheBox
  2. juiceShopUrl: https://juice-shop.herokuapp.com
  3. ctfKey: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bkimminich/juice-shop/master/ctf.key # can also be actual key or comma-separated list of keys (CTFd only) instead of URL
  4. countryMapping: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bkimminich/juice-shop/master/config/fbctf.yml # ignored for CTFd and RootTheBox
  5. insertHints: none | free | paid # "paid" handled as "free" for CTFd
  6. insertHintUrls: none | free | paid # optional for FBCTF; "paid" handled as "free" for CTFd
  7. insertHintSnippets: none | free | paid # optional for FBCTF; "paid" handled as "free" for CTFd

You can then run the generator with:

  1. juice-shop-ctf --config myconfig.yml

Optionally you can also choose the name of the output file:

  1. juice-shop-ctf --config myconfig.yml --output challenges.out

You can ignore certificate warnings like this:

  1. juice-shop-ctf --ignoreSslWarnings

Docker Container Docker Automated build Docker Pulls Docker Stars

Share your current directory with the /data volume of your
bkimminich/juice-shop-ctf Docker container and run the interactive
mode with:

  1. docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd):/data bkimminich/juice-shop-ctf

Alternatively you can provide a configuration file via:

  1. docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd):/data bkimminich/juice-shop-ctf --config myconfig.yml

Choosing the name of the output file is also possible:

  1. docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd):/data bkimminich/juice-shop-ctf --config myconfig.yml --output challenges.out

On Windows cmd.exe you have to use %cd% instead of $(pwd) to mount your current working directory.

For detailed step-by-step instructions and examples please refer to
the Hosting a CTF event chapter
in our (free) companion guide ebook.


CTFd challenge overview

FBCTF world map

RTB challenge boxes

Troubleshooting Gitter

If you need help with the application setup please check the
Troubleshooting section below or post your specific problem or
question in the
official Gitter Chat.

  • If using Docker Toolbox on Windows make sure that you also enable port
    forwarding for all required ports from Host to for TCP in the default VM’s network adapter in
    VirtualBox. For CTFd you need to forward port 8000.

Contributing GitHub contributors

Found a bug? Got an idea for enhancement? Improvement for cheating

Feel free to
create an issue
post your ideas in the chat!
Pull requests are also highly welcome - please refer to
CONTRIBUTING.md for details.


The OWASP Foundation gratefully accepts donations via Stripe. Projects
such as Juice Shop can then request reimbursement for expenses from the
Foundation. If you’d like to express your support of the Juice Shop
project, please make sure to tick the “Publicly list me as a supporter
of OWASP Juice Shop” checkbox on the donation form. You can find our
more about donations and how they are used here:



The OWASP Juice Shop Project Leaders are:

For a list of all contributors to the OWASP Juice Shop CTF Extension
please visit our HALL_OF_FAME.md.

Licensing license

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the MIT license. OWASP Juice Shop CTF
Extension and any contributions are Copyright © by Bjoern Kimminich &
the OWASP Juice Shop contributors 2016-2025.

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