Tool an OpenShift cluster and Run OpenShift Performance and Scale Workloads
Tool an OpenShift cluster and run OpenShift Performance and Scale Workloads.
NOTE: The pbench integration in this repository is not being actively maintained/supported but can be used as is if it serves the need and works without any issues. All the workloads in the repository are being actively maintained/supported. It’s recommended to use metrics captured by Prometheus to analyze the results.
$ git clone
$ cd workloads
$ cp workloads/inventory.example inventory
$ # Edit inventory and add your expected orchestration host
$ # Edit workload variables Ex vi workloads/vars/tooling.yml or define env variables
$ ansible-playbook -v -i inventory workloads/$workload.yml # Where $workload is the intended workload (Ex tooling.yml)
You can configure workload variables either by editing each workload’s specific vars file found in workloads/vars/$workload.yml where $workload is intended workload or define the associated environment variables for each workload. Each variable is documented in the docs directory of this repo
For Jenkins setups, each workload has a Jenkins job implemented in scale-ci-pipeline
To implement in your own CI, use an SCM plugin/module to clone the code into a build step. Each workload variable in the docs should be implemented as a parameter for each job. The build step can utilize additional variables in order to perform additional work such as login via a username and password. An example build step for NodeVertical implemented in Jenkins would look like:
set -o pipefail
set -eux
# Disable logging
set +x
# Re-enable logging
set -x
echo "[orchestration]" > inventory
echo "${ORCHESTRATION_HOST}" >> inventory
time ansible-playbook -vv -i inventory workloads/nodevertical.yml
oc logs --timestamps -n scale-ci-tooling -f job/scale-ci-nodevertical
oc get job -n scale-ci-tooling scale-ci-nodevertical -o json | jq -e '.status.succeeded==1'
For Pass/Fail functionality, jobs will not have a succeeded status and thus have failed in CI due to the last statement in the above build job.