项目作者: OutOfBoundCats

项目描述 :
Starter with Next.js + Redux + Redux Persist + Firebase + Tailwindcss + next-redux-wrapper
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/OutOfBoundCats/nextjs-firebase-redux-starter.git
创建时间: 2021-05-09T18:24:53Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


Next.js and TypeScript

PRs welcome!

Follow @OutOfBoundCats


Its starter kit for nextjs which uses redux , redux-persist,firebase auth, tailwind css,next-redux-wrapper.

It was frustrating setting everything up while working on loggernow.com so decided to make this public.\
In the hope of there will be another soul facing the same problem as me 😃.


Apache 2.0 License


Based on latest Next.js \
🗄 state management with redux, react-redux, and next-redux-wrapper\
💻️ Redux Persist for persisting state between reloads\
💅 Styling tailwindcss\
🎇 Firebase for authentication \
⭐️ Made with Typescript

Run Locally

Clone the project

  1. git clone https://github.com/OutOfBoundCats/nextjs-firebase-redux-starter.git

Go to the project directory

  1. cd nextjs-firebase-redux-starter

Install dependencies

  1. yarn install

add your firebase config under

  1. nextjs-firebase-redux-starter/services/firebase.ts

Start the development server

  1. yarn dev

Build Project

  1. yarn build




  • readme.so For making this awesome readme file possible with least effort.
  • There were other repositories i reffered but dont quite remember while making this merged repository. Feel free to get in touch with me to get your name added.