Flatten and unflatten nested hashrefs
Hash::Fold - flatten and unflatten nested hashrefs
use Hash::Fold qw(flatten unflatten);
my $object = bless { foo => 'bar' };
my $nested = {
foo => $object,
baz => {
a => 'b',
c => [ 'd', { e => 'f' }, 42 ],
my $flattened = flatten($nested);
is_deeply $flattened, {
'baz.a' => 'b',
'baz.c.0' => 'd',
'baz.c.1.e' => 'f',
'baz.c.2' => 42,
'foo' => $object,
my $roundtrip = unflatten($flattened);
is_deeply $roundtrip, $nested;
This module provides functional and OO interfaces which can be used to flatten,
unflatten and merge nested hashrefs.
Unless noted, the functions listed below are also available as methods. Options
provided to the Hash::Fold constructor can be supplied to the functions, e.g.:
use Hash::Fold;
my $folder = Hash::Fold->new(delimiter => '/');
is equivalent to:
use Hash::Fold qw(fold);
my $folded = fold($hash, delimiter => '/');
Options (and constructor args) can be supplied as a list of key/value pairs or
a hashref, so the following are equivalent:
my $folded = fold($hash, delimiter => '/' );
my $folded = fold($hash, { delimiter => '/' });
In addition, Hash::Fold uses
Sub::Exporter, which allows functions
to be imported with options baked in, e.g.:
use Hash::Fold fold => { delimiter => '/' };
my $folded = fold($hash);
As described above, the following options can be supplied as constructor args,
import args, or per-function overrides. Under the hood, they are
(Moo) attributes which can be wrapped and
overridden like any other attributes.
Type: Str, ro, default: “.”
The delimiter prefixed to array elements when flattening and unflattening.
Type: Str, ro, default: “.”
The delimiter prefixed to hash elements when flattening and unflattening.
Type: Str
This is effectively a write-only attribute which assigns the same string toarray_delimiter
and hash_delimiter
It can only be supplied as a constructor arg or function option (which are
equivalent) i.e. Hash::Fold instances have no delimiter
Type: (Hash::Fold, Ref) → None, ro
A callback invoked whenever fold
encounters a circular reference
i.e. a reference which contains itself as a nested value.
The callback is passed two arguments: the Hash::Fold instance and the value, e.g.:
sub on_cycle {
my ($folder, $value) = @_;
warn 'self-reference found: ', Dumper(value), $/;
my $folder = Hash::Fold->new(on_cycle => \&on_cycle);
Note that circular references are handled correctly i.e. they are treated as
terminals and not traversed. This callback merely provides a mechanism to
report them (e.g. by issuing a warning).
The default callback does nothing.
Type: (Hash::Fold, Ref) → Any, ro
A callback invoked whenever fold
encounters a value for which theis_object
method returns true i.e. any reference that isn’t an
unblessed arrayref or unblessed hashref. This callback can be used to modify
the value, e.g. to return a traversable value (e.g. unblessed hashref) in place
of a terminal (e.g. blessed hashref).
The callback is passed two arguments: the Hash::Fold instance and the object,
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
sub on_object {
my ($folder, $value) = @_;
if (blessed($value) && $value->isa('HASH')) {
return { %$value }; # unbless
} else {
return $value;
my $folder = Hash::Fold->new(on_object => \&on_object);
The default callback returns its value unchanged.
Nothing by default. The following functions can be imported.
Signature: (HashRef [, Hash|HashRef ]) → HashRef
Takes a nested hashref and returns a single-level hashref with (by default)
dotted keys. The delimiter can be overridden via the delimiter
and hash_delimiter
Unblessed arrayrefs and unblessed hashrefs are traversed. All other values
(e.g. strings, regexps, objects etc.) are treated as terminals and passed
through verbatim, although this can be overridden by supplying a suitableon_object
Signature: (HashRef [, Hash|HashRef ]) → HashRef
Provided as an alias for fold
Signature: (HashRef [, Hash|HashRef ]) → HashRef
Takes a flattened hashref and returns the corresponding nested hashref.
Signature: (HashRef [, Hash|HashRef ]) → HashRef
Provided as an alias for unfold
Signature: (HashRef [, HashRef… ]) → HashRef
Signature: (ArrayRef\
Takes a list of hashrefs which are then flattened, merged into one (in the
order provided i.e. with precedence given to the rightmost arguments) and
unflattened i.e. shorthand for:
unflatten { map { %{ flatten $_ } } @_ }
To provide options to the merge
subroutine, pass the hashrefs in an arrayref,
and the options (as usual) as a list of key/value pairs or a hashref:
merge([ $hash1, $hash2, ... ], delimiter => ... )
merge([ $hash1, $hash2, ... ], { delimiter => ... })
Signature: Any → Bool
This method is called from fold
to determine whether a value should
be passed to the on_object
It is passed each value encountered while traversing a hashref and returns true
for all references (e.g. regexps, globs, objects etc.) apart from unblessed
arrayrefs and unblessed hashrefs, and false for all other values (i.e.
unblessed hashrefs, unblessed arrayrefs, and non-references).
Copyright © 2014-2021 by chocolateboy.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the Artistic License 2.0.