A library to send files over WebRTC
A simple library to send & receive files over WebRTC data channels. All you need to pass is a simple-peer object, the file, and an ID!
objectOpen this webpage in two separate browser windows. This simple example is based on the example shown in simple-peer README
Sender :
import SimplePeerFiles from 'simple-peer-files'
const spf = new SimplePeerFiles()
function readyToSend () {
// peer is the SimplePeer object connection to receiver
spf.send(peer, 'myFileID', file).then(transfer => {
transfer.on('progress', sentBytes => {
Receiver :
import SimplePeerFiles from 'simple-peer-files'
const spf = new SimplePeerFiles()
// peer is the SimplePeer object connection to sender
spf.receive(peer, 'myFileID').then(transfer => {
transfer.on('progress', sentBytes => {
// Call readyToSend() in the sender side
You have to call spf.receive()
in receiver before you call spf.send()
in sender. This is to prepare the receiver to accept file before sending starts. This also allows to implement a functionality for the receiver to accept or reject the file.
Thanks to Andrew Bastin’s justshare for being a reference in making this library.