项目作者: NandKumarGangai

项目描述 :
Chat app using React, Node, Express, Socket IO.
高级语言: CSS
项目地址: git://github.com/NandKumarGangai/react-chat-app.git
创建时间: 2020-08-15T14:25:25Z



This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

To run project locally run npm run start command.

Live: https://sheltered-brushlands-28733.herokuapp.com/

It is combined repo of https://github.com/NandKumarGangai/chat-client and https://github.com/NandKumarGangai/chat-server.
Please visit for latest code base.
This app built using below tech stack:

React JS
Socket IO
Simple Peer

This app has four sub modules

1. Image gallary:

Image gallary made using React JS with PixaBay API.
You can see latest images features on Pixabay.
You can search images using various categories.
You can also see some information about each image.

2. P2P Video chat app:

It built using React JS, Simple Peer and socket IO.
User can call (video call) to another user.

3. Group Chat App:

Built using React JS and socket IO.
User can join mulitiple rooms and can talk to each other.
You can see online users who are joined the same room current user.

4. Planning Poker:

It is also built using React JS and socket IO.

It is back-end functionality for chat-app.

Front end live: https://sheltered-brushlands-28733.herokuapp.com/ .

Tech stack used:

Node JS as runtime environment.

Express JS as Node JS framework.

Socket IO for chatting functionality.