A Django app created for the Server-side development course
Pet Lives Matter: the local pet registry!
Tired of being unsure about who’s dog that is? Wish there was a way to track all 32 of your cats? Your pet went missing but you don’t want to print out flyers?
Worry no more thanks to PET LIVES MATTER. A totally non-fictional web app designed from the ground up for you and your fluffy friends!
Pull the repository
use cmd
cd to your PetLivesMatter folder
run a virtual environment with django installed
use manage.py in the parent PetLivesMatter folder
manage.py runserver
then go to localhost:8000 while the server is open
please install the below in virtual environment
pip install django-filter
Email: Admin@petslivesmatter.com
Password: Michael74$
Andres Peltier = peltierA - Andres!45
Halina Dabs = dabsHa - Halina@56