项目作者: bismex

项目描述 :
[CVPR2020] Hi-CMD: Hierarchical Cross-Modality Disentanglement for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/bismex/HiCMD.git
创建时间: 2019-11-22T01:38:49Z



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Hi-CMD: Hierarchical Cross-Modality Disentanglement for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification [CVPR2020 paper]

Presentation video

1-minute version (ENG)

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5-minute version (KOR)

Video Label

<Illustration of our Hierarchical Cross-Modality Disentanglement (Hi-CMD) concept>


  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Python 3.6
  • PyTorch 1.0+ (recent version is recommended)
  • NVIDIA GPU (>= 8.5GB)
  • CUDA 10.0 (optional)
  • CUDNN 7.5 (optional)

Getting Started


  • Configure virtual (anaconda) environment
  1. conda create -n env_name python=3.6
  2. source activate env_name
  3. conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
  • Install python libraries
  1. conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
  2. conda install -c anaconda yaml
  3. conda install -c anaconda pyyaml
  4. conda install -c anaconda scipy
  5. conda install -c anaconda pandas
  6. conda install -c anaconda scikit-learn
  7. conda install -c conda-forge opencv
  8. conda install -c anaconda seaborn
  9. conda install -c conda-forge tqdm

Training and testing

  • In the actual experiment, a total of 10 experiment sets are used.
  • Here is a simple example of running an experiment on only one set (RegDB-01).
  • Download [RegDB_01] (for a simple test)
    • The RegDB_01 dataset should be included in ‘./data/‘
    • Ex: ./HiCMD/data/RegDB_01/
  • You can download the entire sets of RegDB at this [link]
    • If you will use this dataset, please refer to the papers [1,2] below.


  1. sh train.sh

Testing on pretrained model

1) RegDB_01 [1,2]

  • Download RegDB_pretrained
    • The pretrained RegDB_01 model should be included in ‘./pretrained/‘
    • Ex: ./HiCMD/pretrained/checkpoints/
  1. sh test.sh
  • The code provides the following results.
Metric Value
Rank1 70.44\%
Rank5 79.37\%
Rank10 85.15\%
Rank20 91.55\%
mAP 65.93\%
  • Note that the performance of the manuscript (Rank1: 70.93\%) is obtained by averaging this experiment for all 10 sets.
  • If the code is not working, please refer to ‘./pretrained/testresults/net_70000_RegDB_01(ms1.0)_f1_test_result.txt’

2) SYSU-MM01 [3]

  • MATLAB is required for evaluating SYSU-MM01 (official code).
  • Download SYSU_features
    • The pretrained SYSU-MM01 features should be included in ‘./eval_SYSU/‘
    • Ex: ./HiCMD/eval_SYSU/
  • The code provides the following results.
  • Correction: In the paper, I wrote, “The SYSU dataset contains 22,258 visible images and 11,909 near-infrared images of 395 identities for training”. This value indicates the total of training and validation sets. But, in fact, I only used a training set including 20,284 visible images and 9,927 infrared images of 296 identities. I apologize for the confusion.
Metric Value
Rank1 34.94\%
Rank5 65.48\%
Rank10 77.58\%
Rank20 88.38\%
mAP 35.94\%
  • If the code is not working, please refer to ‘./eval_SYSU/results_test_SYSU.txt’

(Optional) Additional experiments

  • If you want to experiment with all sets of RegDB, download the entire dataset:

    • The RegDB dataset [1, 2] can be downloaded from this link. (The original name is “Dongguk Body-based Person Recognition Database (DBPerson-Recog-DB1)”).
    • If you will use this dataset, please refer to the papers [1,2] below.
  • If you want to experiment with SYSU-MM01, download the official dataset:

    • The SYSU-MM01 dataset [3] can be downloaded from this website.
    • The authors’ official matlab code is used to evaluate the SYSU dataset.
    • If you will use this dataset, please refer to the paper [3] below.
  • Change the ‘data_name’ from ‘RegDB_01’ to the name of other datasets.

  • Process the downloaded data according to the code by python prepare.py.
  • Train and test


The code is based on the PyTorch implementation of the Person_reID_baseline_pytorch, Cross-Model-Re-ID-baseline, MUNIT, DGNET, SYSU-evaluation.


  1. @InProceedings{Choi_2020_CVPR,
  2. author = {Choi, Seokeon and Lee, Sumin and Kim, Youngeun and Kim, Taekyung and Kim, Changick},
  3. title = {Hi-CMD: Hierarchical Cross-Modality Disentanglement for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification},
  4. booktitle = {IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  5. month = {June},
  6. year = {2020}
  7. }


  • [1] D. T. Nguyen, H. G. Hong, K. W. Kim, and K. R. Park. Person recognition system based on a combination of body images from visible light and thermal cameras. Sensors, 17(3):605, 2017.

  • [2] Jin Kyu Kang, Toan Minh Hoang, and Kang Ryoung Park, “Person Re-Identification Between Visible and Thermal Camera Images Based on Deep Residual CNN Using Single Input,” IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 57972-57984, May 2019

  • [3] A. Wu, W.-s. Zheng, H.-X. Yu, S. Gong, and J. Lai. Rgb-infrared crossmodality person re-identification. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pages 5380–5389, 2017.