项目作者: KalleZ

项目描述 :
ExifKit for Intergalactic Image Meta Information Extraction
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/KalleZ/pecl-exifkit.git
创建时间: 2017-07-15T13:03:04Z




pecl-exifkit attempts to expose the capabilities of libexif, this is currently a slow and early preview.


libexif is required (and bundled). libexif is slightly modified in order to compile. Below is the changes made to make libexif compile:

  • The bundled library is version 2.5.2pre1
  • A config.h file is included in the root of the library folder
  • The inline keyword has been removed for the exif_tag_table_count() function
  • A warning about signedness has been fixed in exif-entry.c


This extension currently only supports Windows! \o/


To compile this into your PHP installation, you need to compile PHP with configure --enable-exifkit. This extension can also be compiled as a shard extension like; configure --enable-exifkit=shared.

API Reference


  • EXIFKIT_LIBVER: The libexif version used to compile pecl/exifkit
  • EXIFKIT_BYTEORDER_MOTOROLA: Motorola byte order, see the COMPUTED section in the exifkit_read_data() function block below
  • EXIFKIT_BYTEORDER_INTEL: Intel byte order, see the COMPUTED section in the exifkit_read_data() function block below


  1. function exifkit_thumbnail(string $file) : string | bool

The exifkit_thumbnail() function works exactly like the exif_thumbnail() function, it returns a string with the thumbnail data and if an error should occur, it will return false.

  1. function exifkit_read_data(string $file [, bool $thumbnail = false ]) : array | bool

The exifkit_read_data() function reads all tags and returns them. Tags are returned in their respective sections. The following sections can be returned:

  • IFD0
  • IFD1
  • EXIF
  • GPS
  • THUMBNAIL (Not implemented yet)
  • MAKERNOTE (Not implemented yet)

    The COMPUTED section contains computed information regarding the EXIF data found in the header. Currently the following can be returned in the COMPUTED section:

  • ByteOrder: The numeric byte order value. This value can be compared against EXIFKIT_BYTEORDER_MOTOROLA and EXIFKIT_BYTEORDER_INTEL.

  • ByteOrderName: The name of the byte order. This can either be Motorola or Intel


Should you find this extension interesting in anyway, you are welcome to contribute in anyway possible by submitting reports and pull requests.


  • pecl-exifkit is licensed under the PHP License 3.01.

  • libexif is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License 2 (LGPL2).