项目作者: rajasoun

项目描述 :
Win10X Setup for HyperV, WSL, Docker and Applications
高级语言: PowerShell
项目地址: git://github.com/rajasoun/win10x-onboard.git
创建时间: 2021-06-10T12:52:11Z




Windows Laptop setup for Developer with Docker Desktop & Applications.
The primary purpose is to have a standard way of configuring a development environment that is simple, fast and completely automated.

Application & Tools Summary

Following Applications & Tools are setup/teardown from the automation script

Containerization - [Docker Desktop]

Containerization - Docker Desktop
- Check Windows Version for Compatibility
- Check HyperV is Enabled
- Enable Virtualization in BIOS - If Required
- Enable WSL2 & Update Kernel

Applications and Tools

1. Package Manager -scoop
- Git Bash
- GitHub CLI
- Code Editor (IDE) - Visual Studio Code
- concfg
- PowerSession

1. Visual Studio Code Extensions
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers - Developing inside a Container
- golang.go

1. References:
- Docker Desktop for Windows Troubleshooting Guide


Automation script does following Prerequisites Checks, Setup and Tests.
Open Powershell as current user.

TIP: Search for Powershell in Windows Start Menu and open it.

1. Prerequisites Checks

1. Windows Version

Check Windows 10 and Above

sh Get-ComputerInfo | select WindowsProductName, WindowsVersion

The output should contain one of the following
Windoes 10 Pro Windows 10 Enterprise and Education Edition
* Windows 11

HyperV is supported only in above versions of Windows by default.
HyperV allows running Virtual Machine on Windows.

2. HyperV is Enabled

1. In Powershell Windows

sh systeminfo /fo csv | ConvertFrom-Csv | select OS*, System*, Hotfix*,Hyper-V* | Format-List

2. Check the output

- If it says A hypervisor has been detected. Features required for Hyper-V will not be displayed. This means Hyper-V is already enabled

- Otherwise, check for Virtualization Enabled in Firmware:.
* If its No, click here.

2. Setup

1. Workspace & Applications

1.1 Workspace

In Powershell window Run following commands for workspace setup

sh Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope currentuser iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rajasoun/win10x-onboard/main/e2e.ps1 | iex cd ~\workspace git clone https://github.com/rajasoun/win10x-onboard cd win10x-onboard Invoke-Pester src\lib\Workspace.Tests.ps1 -Output Detailed

1.2 Applications Setup

In Powershell window Run following commands for Prerequisite Checks

sh .\e2e.ps1 apps

1.3 Check Applications Setup
In Powershell window Run following commands for Automated Checks

sh .\e2e.ps1 apps-setup-test

2. HyperV

1. In Powershell window Run following commands following commands to setup HyperV.

Switch to Elevated Previlage

sh .\e2e.ps1 elevate

In the New Elevated Powershell as Administrator
sh .\e2e.ps1 hyperv

> FYI: System will restart.

2. After Restarting Windows, search for Turn Windows features on or off in the Start Menu search bar and open it.

3. In the Window, lookout for Hyper-V, Virtual Machine Platform and Windows Hypervisor Platform. Then check the check boxes before them and click OK. This will also take some time and then a Restart is necessary.

3. WSL2 & Kernel Update

In Powershell window Run following commands following commands to setup WSL, WSL2 Kernel Update

Switch to Elevated Previlage

sh .\e2e.ps1 elevate

In the New Elevated Powershell as Administrator

sh .\e2e.ps1 wsl
> FYI: System will restart.

4. Docker Desktop

Install Docker Desktop For Windows

5. Test Docker Setup

1. Switch to bash shell

sh .\e2e.ps1 bash-it nix/assist.sh bash-setup

1. Docker Test: Open Git Bash command prompt and output should contain Hello from Docker
sh docker run --rm hello-world

1. Check the Speed of the Internet using docker
sh MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 docker run --rm rajasoun/speedtest:0.1.0 "/go/bin/speedtest-go"

2. Switch to Powershell
sh exit

3. Test

In Powershell Window

1. TDD Scripts

sh .\e2e.ps1 apps-setup-test

Switch to Elevated Previlage

sh .\e2e.ps1 elevate

In the New Elevated Powershell as Administrator
sh .\e2e.ps1 system-setup-test

2. ATDD Scripts

sh Invoke-Pester e2e.Tests.ps1 -Tag "prerequisite" -Output Detailed Invoke-Pester e2e.Tests.ps1 -Tag "apps" -Output Detailed

TDD - Test Driven Development

ATDD - Acceptance Test Driven Development

4. Teardown

4.1 Teardown Applications

To uninstall scoop and all applications installed via scoop

sh .\e2e.ps1 teardown

4.2 Disable HyperV & WSL

To Disable HyperV & WSL. Restart at End

sh .\e2e.ps1 elevate Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-All Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

4.3 Uninstall Docker Desktop

1. From the Windows Start menu, select Settings > Apps > Apps & features.
1. Select Docker Desktop from the Apps & features list and then select Uninstall.
1. Click Uninstall to confirm your selection.

Enable Virtualization in BIOS

Manual Steps
The process of enabling virtualization can vary a lot depending on the motherboard manufacturer, but it can be summarized in a few steps:

1. Completely Shutdown you Computer and turn it on again.

1. Keep pressing the key to open the BIOS (usually it is Del, F1, F2, F4, F11, or F12). This key depends on the Motherboard manufacturer. You can easily google it out.

1. Once you get into the BIOS, it may look very scary or intimidating, but don’t worry, you will get it right. Mouse may not work in BIOS so you might have to use the Directional or Arrow keys and the Enter key of the Keyboard to navigate.

- Search for the CPU configuration section, it can be called CPU configuration, processor, Northbridge or Chipset and may be under an advanced or advanced mode tab or menu.
- Now you need to look for the virtualization option and enable it, it can have different names such as Hyper-V, Vanderpool, SVM, AMD-V, Intel Virtualization Technology or VT-X.
- Once its enabled, save and reboot your pc.

> If this part did not help you, you can specifically go the Website of the Mother Board Manufacturer of you Computer and ask for help.


  1. Manu Hali
  2. Rohini Gorige

Last Updated by Rohini Gorige