Tiny in-memory persisted queries middleware for apollo-server-restify
Tiny in-memory automatic persisted queries middleware for apollo-server-restify
Since apollo-server-restify uses Apollo Server 1.x, it has not support for APQ.
Use this module to get server support.
This package implements a circular buffer that persists the latest X queries in a in-memory Map.
import restify from 'restify';
import { graphqlRestify } from 'apollo-server-restify';
// 1. Import the module
import { persistedQueries } from 'apollo-server-restify-persisted-queries';
// 2. Set the number of cached queries
const cacheLength = 10;
const server = restify.createServer({
title: 'Apollo Server',
const graphQLOptions = { schema: myGraphQLSchema };
// 3. Call the persistedQueries method, ant it returns a Middleware
server.get('/graphql', persistedQueries(graphqlRestify(graphQLOptions)), cacheLength);
server.listen(3000, () => console.log(`Listening on port 3000`));