Secure and simple software to ask questions and get answers from a federated network of personal data.
Whirlpool is a Ruby implementation of an AQuAE node that asks questions and computes answers by interacting with other nodes as part of a federation.
Whirlpool can be integrated with numerous kinds of systems:
Whirlpool is the application-level software that enables all of these integrations to occur.
It can also be run as a standalone application and be loaded with business-logic rules. This allows it to operate as a query server, collecting required data from other nodes and serving answers using that data to clients, all as part of an AQuAE network.
Please note this is ALPHA quality software as the ecosystem won’t be suitable for live use until v1.0. See the list of missing features below.
A compiled gem version is not available on Rubygems yet.
Add whirlpool
to your Gemfile:
gem 'whirlpool', github: 'alphagov/whirlpool'
Configuration can be supplied to Whirlpool as a YAML file, to the following specification:
metadata: my.federation # A federation file to load.
this_node: simon1 # The name of this node in the metadata.
keyfile: my.private.key # The private key for the node.
queryfiles: # A list of files to load containing local queries.
- queries.rb
To create an integration, load the library and start an app instance.
require 'whirlpool'
config = 'config.yml'
app = config
Now you can issue queries. Each query will start a new Thread
, and return an object that can be used to give data to the thread.
query = app.start_query
Set the question that you wish to ask, corresponding to a question in the metadata file.
query.question_name = 'eligible?'
Whirlpool may offer you multiple choices for how the query can be implemented. Offer these to the user or make an appropriate decision. The methods will return futures that you can wait on or store for later.
choices_promise = query.choices
choices = choices_promise.value
my_choice = choices.first # put your better decision logic here
query.choice = my_choice
The choice tells you what identity information is required.
#<Aquae::Metadata::MatchingSpec required=[:surname, :postcode]>
Get your identity data signed via an appropriate route. For now, consent servers are not properly implemented so use a stub implementation.
signer = query, my_choice
signer.identity = {:surname => ..., :postcode => ..., ...}
Then ask for the answer.
answer = query.answer.value
This is a standalone app that will operate an AQuAE node.
It accepts as command-line argument a YAML file for configuration to the above specification.