项目作者: nordicsmartgovernment

项目描述 :
Nordic Smart Government Reference Implementation
高级语言: XSLT
项目地址: git://github.com/nordicsmartgovernment/nordicsmartgovernment.git
创建时间: 2019-03-04T14:37:17Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


Nordic Smart Government Reference Implementation

As part of the project Nordic Smart Government, this reference implementation has been made to demonstrate and define the proposed standard APIs for adding and retrieving information about business transactions in a business systems.

For instance, by POST-ing a Peppol BIS 3 invoice, a transaction is created based on the invoice, and the details about the transaction can then be retreived as XBRL GL.


The Reference Implementation transforms all the different document formats to XBRL GL as an internal storage format for documentation of each transaction. When requesting information about transactions, you can specify application/xbrl-instance+xml as the accept-header to get the XBRL GL representation. It is also possible to specify application/vnd.saf-t+xml to get information about the transactions in accordance with the SAF-T-standard. This is achieved through transformation of the XBRL GL-data to SAF-T-data, XBRL GL —> SAF-T.

AccountFlow has made a Proof Of Concept that supports the same API-operations for accessing transactions, but where the internal storage format is SAF-T, and the data is transformed from SAF-T to XBRL GL before the response is sent, SAF-T —> XBRL GL. See source code on Gitlab and Swagger-UI.

Important Disclaimer

Be aware that there are NO GUARANTEES for stability and availability of the Reference Implementation or it’s data! Please let us know in advance if you are planning to do some extensive testing of the reference implementation in a specific period, so that we can try to avoid re-setting the data while you are testing.

Exploring the API

The API can be explored using Swagger UI that is based on our Open API Specification of the API.

Example Curl-request that will return a list of transactionIds for the company with companyId 20202020

  1. curl -X GET "https://nsg.apps.ocp-ppe.regsys.brreg.no/transactions/20202020?invoiceType=all" -H "accept: application/json"

Example Curl-request that will return details about a specific transaction in XBRL GL:

  1. curl -X GET "nsg.apps.ocp-ppe.regsys.brreg.no/transactions/20202020/0164ee71-1334-4e7e-9002-8830db6d61ab" -H "accept: application/xbrl-instance+xml"

Test data

Provided testdata

The Reference Implementation comes with some test data that will be reset whenever the reference-implementation is re-deployed (part of the code).

These data are purchase and sales invoices and bank statements for a company with companyId 20202020 (used in the examples above), and purchase and sales invoices for a company with companyId 1252525-9. More details

Bring your own test-data

By POST-ing invoices and other supported business transaction documents, you will add data to the reference implementation that can later be accessed either as the original documents (see document-API or as standardised transaction information (see transactions-API.

More detailed documentation

The NSG-project has created a more detailed introduction to the purpose and the functionality of the NSG Reference Implementation.


All feedback is welcome, whether it is related to technical issues, ideas for improvements of the APIs or questions about the available documentation. Please give feedback as issues or by steinar.skagemo@brreg.no">e-mail.


Software Architecture

Running your own instance of the NSG Reference Implementation

Update Linux

  1. sudo apt update
  2. sudo apt-get update
  3. sudo apt-get upgrade

Install java, git og maven

For Linux
  1. sudo apt-get install default-jdk git maven
For Windows

Git for Windows - https://gitforwindows.org/

Apache Maven - http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi

Environment variables

These are needed to connect to the local database

  1. NSG_POSTGRES_DB="nsg_db"
  3. NSG_POSTGRES_DBO_USER="nsg_dbo"
  4. NSG_POSTGRES_HOST="postgres:5432"
For linux

Open ~/.bashrc and add the lines

  1. export NSG_POSTGRES_DB="nsg_db"
  2. export NSG_POSTGRES_DBO_PASSWORD="Passw0rd"
  3. export NSG_POSTGRES_DBO_USER="nsg_dbo"
  4. export NSG_POSTGRES_HOST="postgres:5432"
  5. export NSG_POSTGRES_PASSWORD="Passw0rd"
  6. export NSG_POSTGRES_USER="nsg"

Update from ~/.bashrc with

  1. source ~/.bashrc

Check that they have been added with “printenv”

For windows

“Advanced system settings” → “Environment Variables”

Nice to have





Clone and run

  1. git clone {repo}
  2. mvn clean install
  3. java -jar target/referenceimplementation-1.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar

-d enables “detached mode”

Test that everything is running


Import this collection in Postman and test the app locally.