HTML5 Canvas Library
A HTML5 canvas library based on pure JavaScript.
Welcome to join us~
Pixeler, an app of designing pixel picture.
If you use EasyCanvas in your projects too, welcome to show your projects here.
<canvas id="canvasId" width="550" height="500"></canvas>
var A = new EasyCanvas("canvasId");
Property | Value | Default | Description |
closed | Bool | false | Creates a path from the last point back to the starting point (闭合图形) |
fillColor | Color | “transparent” | Fill Color (填充颜色) |
lineCap | “butt”(平直), “round”(圆形), “square”(正方形) |
“butt” | The style of the end caps for a line (线条结束端点的样式) |
lineJoin | “bevel”(斜角), “round”(圆角), “miter”(尖角) |
“miter” | The type of corner created, when two lines meet (两条线相交时,所创建的拐角类型) |
lineWidth | Number | 1 | Line width (线条宽度) |
shadow | [Number, Number, Number, Color] | [1, 1, 1, “#fff”] | Shadow, [shadowX, shadowY, shadowBlur, shadowColor] |
shadowX | Number | Horizontal shadow | |
shadowY | Number | Vertical shadow | |
shadowBlur | Number | Shadow blur | |
shadowColor | Color | Shadow color | |
strokeColor | Color | “#000” | Outer line color for shape and text (图形或文本描边的颜色) |
Property | Value | Default | Description |
fillLinerGradient | Arrays | [x0, y0, x1, y1] x0, y0 and x1, y1: The start and end point of the gradient for fill style x0、y0 和 x1、y1: 填充线性渐变的起始点、结束点 |
fillRradialGradient | Arrays | [x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1] x0, y0 and x1, y1: The starting and end circle of the gradient r0 and r1: The radius of the starting and ending circle for fill style x0, y0 和 x1, y1: 填充圆形渐变的起始、结束点 r0 和 r1: 开始和结束的圆的半径 |
strokeLinerGradient | Arrays | [x0, y0, x1, y1] x0, y0 and x1, y1: The start and end point of the gradient for stroke style x0、y0 和 x1、y1: 描边线性渐变的起始点、结束点 |
strokeRradialGradient | Arrays | [x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1] x0, y0 and x1, y1: The starting and end circle of the gradient for stroke style r0 and r1: The radius of the starting and ending circle (x0, y0 和 x1, y1: 描边圆形渐变的起始、结束点) (r0 和 r1: 开始和结束的圆的半径) |
stop | Arrays | [[0, “black”], [1, “white”]] | [[n1, “color”], [n2, “color”]…[nx, “color”]] n: Between 0.0 and 1.0 that represents the position between start and end in a gradient (n: 在0和1之间,渐变停留的位置) |
Property | Description | Example |
width | The width of canvas | var w = A.width; |
height | The height of canvas | var h = A.height; |
basic: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]...]
Property | Value | Default | Description |
[x1, y1] | Number | The start coordinate of the line. |
You can use “basic”, “basic1”, “basic2”…”basicN” to draw continously, and there is no “basic0”.
basic: [[10, 100], [200, 100], [10, 200]],
lineCap: "round",
lineWidth: 10,
fillColor: "rgb(255,165,0)"
basic: [[20, 100], [300, 100], [20, 200]],
basic1: [[10, 100], [200, 100], [10, 200]],
lineCap: "round",
lineJoin: "round",
lineWidth: 10,
fillColor: "rgb(255, 165, 0)",
strokeColor: "#00f",
// strokeLinerGradient: [0, 0, 170, 0],
// stop: [[0, "black"], [0.5,"blue"], [1,"red"]],
closed: true
basic: [x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, acw]
Property | Value | Default | Description |
x, y | Number | The coordinate of the center of the circle. | |
radius | Number | The radius of the circle. | |
startAngle, endAngle | Radians | The starting and ending angle in radians.(起始角/结束角,以弧度计。) | |
acw | “false”: clockwise “true”: anti-clockwise. |
“false” | Anti-clockwise. (规定应该逆时针还是顺时针绘图) |
basic: [100, 100, 60, 0, Math.PI],
basic1: [60, 60, 60, 0, Math.PI],
shadow: [0, 0, 7, "#f00"],
strokeColor: "#0000ff"
basic: [startX, startY, controlX, controlY, endX, endY]
basic: [
[startX, startY, controlX, controlY, endX, endY],
[controlX, controlY, endX, endY]
Property | Value | Default | Description |
startX, startY | Number | The coordinate of start point. | |
controlX, controlY | Number | The coordinate of control point. | |
endX, endY | Number | The coordinate of end point. |
shadow: [1, 1, 7, "#0f0"],
color: "#0000ff",
shadowColor: "#000",
basic: [60, 20, 20, 100, 200, 10],
basic1: [
[10, 10, 10, 100, 100, 150],
[40, 100, 250, 30],
[50, 120, 300, 60]
// closed: true
basic: [startX, startY, control1X, control1Y, control2X, control2Y, endX, endY]
basic: [
[startX, startY, control1X, control1Y, control2X, control2Y, endX, endY],
[control1X, control1Y, control2X, control2Y, endX, endY]
Property | Value | Default | Description |
startX, startY | Number | The coordinate of start point. | |
control1X, control1Y | Number | The coordinate of first control point. | |
control2X, control2Y | Number | The coordinate of second control point. | |
endX, endY | Number | The coordinate of end point. |
color: "#0000ff",
basic: [25, 50, 175, 50, 25, 150, 175, 150],
basic1: [
[25, 80, 175, 50, 25, 150, 275, 150],
[275, 150, 125, 1, 300, 150]
// closed: true
basic: [x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight]
Property | Value | Default | Description |
x, y | Number | The coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle. | |
rectWidth, rectHeight | Number | The width and height of rectangle. |
basic: [10, 50, 300, 100],
basic1: [40, 80, 300, 100],
fillRradialGradient: [75, 50, 5, 90, 60, 100]
for (var i = 10; i < 50; i = i + 10) {
basic: [i, i, 300, 100]
basic: [x, y, width]
Property | Value | Default | Description |
x, y | Number | The coordinate of the upper-left corner of the foursquare | |
width | Number | Width of foursquare |
basic: [40, 80, 100],
basic1: [50, 90, 100],
fillColor: "#000"
basic: [x, y, text, maxWidth]
Property | Value | Default | Description |
x, y | Number | The coordinate where to start painting the text | |
text | String | Width of rectangle and foursquare | |
maxWidth | Number | Optional. The maximum allowed width of the text, in pixels |
Property | Value | Default | Description |
fontColor | Color | “#000” | Font color |
textBaseline | “alphabetic”(普通的字母基线) “top”(em 方框的顶端) “hanging”(悬挂基线) “middle”(em 方框的正中) “ideographic”(表意基线) “bottom”(em 方框的底端) |
“alphabetic” | Text baseline. (文本基线) |
textAlign | “start”(在指定的位置开始) “end”(在指定的位置结束) “center”(文本的中心被放置在指定的位置) “left”(文本左对齐) “right”(文本右对齐) |
“start” | Text align. (文本对齐方式) |
basic: [10, 100, "basic"],
basic1: [10, 130, "basic1"],
lineWidth: 10,
shadow: [1, 1, 7, "#0f0"],
linerGridient: [0, 0, 170, 0],
stop: [[0, "black"], [0.3,"magenta"],[0.5,"blue"],[0.6,"green"],[0.8,"yellow"],[1,"red"]],
font: "30px Arial Black",
strokeText: true
Draw grids of canvas in order to draw canvas more easily.
Property | Value | Default | Description |
grid_width | Number | 50 | The width of each grid |
coodiful | Bool | false | Whether show the coordinate number |
color | CSS color | “#000” | The color of line and text |
A.coordinates(); // Draw the whole canvas without coordinates bumber
A.coordinates(20); // Set each grid width as 20px
A.coordinates(100, true); // Set each grid width as 100px and show coorfinates number
A.coordinates(100, true, "rgb(255, 165, 0)"); // Show coorfinates number
Property | Value | Default | Description |
x, y | Number | The coordinate of start point | |
width, heigh | Number | The width and heigh of the rectangle |
cleanRect() : Clean the whole canvas
cleanRect(x, y, width, heigh) : Clean some parts
basic: [10, 50, 300, 100],
fillColor: "#000"
.cleanRect(); // Clean the whole canvas
basic: [10, 50, 300, 200],
fillColor: "#000"
.cleanRect(20, 70, 150, 100); // Clean some parts
Property | Value | Default | Required | Description |
x, y | Number | Y | The coordinate of start point | |
startAngle, endAngle | Radians | Y | The start and end angle | |
anticlockwise | “false”: clockwise “true”: anti-clockwise. |
false | N | Anti-clockwise |
cleanArc(x, y, width, heigh) : Clean some parts
A.cleanArc(100, 100, 30, 0, Math.PI); // Clean half of a circle
A.cleanArc(100, 100, 30, 0, Math.PI * 2); // Clean a circle
A.cleanArc(100, 100, 30, 10, Math.PI, true);
basic: [10, 50, 300, 200],
fillColor: "#000"
.cleanArc(100, 100, 60, 0, Math.PI);
Save canvas to png image.
Property | Value | Default | Required | Description |
save_btn_id | String | Y | The id of save button( using <a> tag, not <button> ) |
img_name | String | “mypainting” | N | The name of saving image |
toImg(save_btn_id, img_name)
<input id="pic_name" type="text">
<a href="#" id="save_canvas">Save</a>
// using <a> tag, not <button>
$("#save_canvas").click(function() {
A.toImg('save_canvas', $("#pic_name").val());