Cloud-enabled Garage Door Monitor built with Raspberry Pi and AWS IoT.
I always forget to close my garage door and leave it opened overnight, exposing the contents of my garage such as my
prized wine collection to the bad guys on the street.
This problem calls for a fancy solution and that is why I’ve built this Cloud-enabled Garage Door Monitor
(you can actually use it on any door, or windows, or anything that opens and closes).
Make python virtualenv for this project
> mkvirtualenv garage-door-monitor
(if garage-door-monitor environment doesn’t exist)> workon garage-door-monitor
(if garage-door-monitor environment already exists)> pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
Run the script> python src/
When finished> deactivate
rmvirtualenv garage-door-monitor
SAM local
> mkvirtualenv garage-door-monitor
or workon garage-door-monitor
> pip install aws-sam-cli
> scripts/
> sam local invoke AlarmSNSToIFTTTNotification -e test/data/sns_event.json --template deployer/garage_door_monitor.yaml --env-vars ${env_vars_json}
> ./deployer/ -p <profile> --s3-bucket <artefact-bucket> --s3-prefix <artefact-prefix> --stack-name garage-door-monitor -d
> python deployer/create_door_, --name ${door_monitor_thing_name}
Install Docker> curl -sSL | sh
> sudo systemctl enable docker
> sudo systemctl start docker
> sudo usermod -aG docker pi
> docker --version
Install> cd ${HOME}
> wget
> chmod +x
Install systemd script> cd /etc/systemd/system
> wget
Modify garage-door-monitor.service
to replace placeholders: <IoT_endpoint>
, <AWS_root_cert_file>
, <IoT_cert_file>
, <IoT_cert_private_key_file>
, <certs_dir>
, additional_mqtt_server_port
and additional_mqtt_topic_prefix
Start the Garage Door Monitor service> sudo systemctl start garage-door-monitor.service
This script makes sure all previous versions of the Iot policy created by the specified stack are
deleted first, then detach the IoT policy from all IoT certificates, before deleting the stack.> python deployer/ --stack-name ${stack_name}
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