项目作者: marcha83
项目描述 :
CloudFormation templates for creating ECS (fargate) cluster with keycloak container and postgreSQL db
项目地址: git://github.com/marcha83/cloudformations_keycloak-fargate-pg.git
This repo covers CloudFormations templates to install and configure keycloak service with postgreSQL db on AWS cloud using AWS resources (VPC, subnets, LB, ECS-fargate, postgreSQL db..)
This is only for testing purpose with mainly focus on CloudFormation infrastructure concept templates and less on content of keycloak container
Infrastructure diagram

- AWS account
- Uploaded/created ACM certificate
Step 1: Create stack (recommended name because of referencing: network) by uploading ‘step1-network.yaml
‘ file
It will create resources:
- VPC – included IP ranges depend (mappings) on environment choice (parameters)
- 2 (for each availability zone) Public/Private subnets under created VPC - included IP ranges depend (mappings) on environment choice (prod, dev)
- Internet gateway for VPC
- Public/Private routing tables
- NAT gw with Elastic IP for private subnet internet gateway
- Outputs for cross-stack reference
Step 2: Create stack (recommended name because of referencing: db) by uploading ‘step2-db.yaml
‘ file
It will create resources:
- RDS PotgreSQL DB instance – with included default parameters -> pay attention to environment choice (regarding to previous step env choice)
- DB security group – allowing access to 5432 port only from public subnets (both zones)
- DB subnet group – creates subnet group from private subnets
- Outputs for cross-stack reference and access data which will be needed in step 5
Step 3: Create stack (recommended name because of referencing: lb) by uploading ‘step3-lb.yaml
‘ file
It will create resources:
- Public LB security group for access to public LB
- Public HTTPS LB -> needs pre-created certificate ARN (prerequisite)
- Dummy target group – it’s need and we still don’t have created real targets (provided in step 5)
- Public listener
- Public redirect (http to https) listener
- Outputs for cross-stack reference
Step 4: Create stack (recommended name because of referencing: ecs) by uploading ‘step4-ecs_cluster.yaml
‘ file
It will create resources:
- ECS cluster – needed for ECS service (provided in step 5)
- ESC security group with ingress for access to ECS containers from public LB and internal ECS connection
- IAM role (ECSRole) – permissions needed for ECS networking (interfaces and LB) and also for Docker container to change load balancer target group to new pointing (containers)
- IAM role (ECSTaskExecutionRole) – allows Docker containers to create logs
- Outputs for cross-stack reference
Step 5: Create stack (recommended name because of referencing: service) by uploading ‘step5-service.yaml
‘ file -> pay attention to empty parameters which need to be filled out with output access data (stack db – step 2)
It will create resources:
- CloudWatch log group – needed for task definition which will send container logs to CloudWatch
- Target group for LB
- LB listener rule
- ECS task definition – need for ECS container definition (resources, image, portmappings, env variables..)
- ECS service – connects LB to ECS task definition and puts docker containers to public subnets