BOSH release for installing Gremlin as a Cloud Foundry add-on [BETA]
This beta BOSH release allows you to install Gremlin on your Cloud Foundry host virtual machines.
Please contact with any questions or comments.
release as a .tgz
file here: upload-release gremlin_0.1.14.tgz
bosh update-runtime-config gremlin-runtime-config.yml
bosh deploy your-deployment-manifest-here.yml
Install cf client:
brew install cloudfoundry/tap/cf-cli
Install cf dev plugin for cf CLI client:
NOTE: cf-dev currently only works on Mac.
cf install-plugin -r CF-Community "cfdev"
Start up a new cf dev cluster:
cf dev start
Export bosh environment variables:
eval "$(cf dev bosh env)"
Confirm your BOSH connection to cf:
bosh instances
should list all running BOSH VMs.
bosh upload-release
for a starting point, don’t forget to update your own Gremlin team ID and team secret)One-liner available at make deploy_full
Log in to a bosh instance to look for gremlin:
bosh ssh database
sudo su
# check out installation logs
cd /var/vcap/sys/log/gremlind
tail *log
# check out installation process artifacts
cd /var/vcap/sys/jobs/gremlind
# load gremlin env vars for proper API connection
. /etc/default/gremlind
# check the gremlin logs
tail /var/log/gremlin/daemon.log /var/log/gremlind-std*log
monit status # see if gremlind is up
# run basic localhost checks
gremlin syscheck