A very simple example of cloudwatchlogs query
A very simple example of cloud watch logs query from NodeJS as a client.
You can use a .env
for or environment variables.
Parameter | Type | Purpose |
STRING (OPTIONAL) | The AWS Region Defaults to ap-southeast-2 |
STRING | The AWS Named Profile to use see AWS Named Profile |
TIME ZONE DB NAME | A full list of all DB Names can be found List of tz database time zones |
ISO 8601 DATE | YYYY-MM-DD format start date |
VALID JSON ARRAY OF NUMBERS | A valid JSON array of consecutive numbers of which represent the 24 hour period to scan. Eg [20,21] would be 9pm and 10pm |
STRING | The AWS Cloud Watch Log Group Name |
STRING (OPTIONAL) | The query string to send Cloud watch, the default is mentioned below |
The default query is:
FIELDS @timestamp, @message
| sort @timestamp desc
As long as timestamp is first, it should work.
You could even do something like this…But have not tested either the of the following
FIELDS @timestamp, @message
| filter @message like /requestid/
| sort @timestamp desc
filter @message like /Rate exceeded/
| stats count(*) as exceptionCount by bin(1h)
| sort exceptionCount desc